The Bacon Van's Full Breakfast

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Spent the day cleaning. Found more things of interest (a bullet!) and cleared out LOTS of mouse droppings. Also I'm proud to say I did my own oil change - first non shop one ever! Proper messy job but I loved it.

Tomorrow I'm going to attempt again to remove the middle seats, especially now that I feel more confident climbing underneath the van to do screws. My friend also dropped off some carpet scraps which will do to patch up some uber gross areas.

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thehellend said:
Anyone got any ideas how to 'quick release' the chair? The manual says that when a cam-type latch is disangaged, the chair can be easily removed. It's the vaguest most irritating sentence. My Haynes manual says nothing.


I really like your photo here...could you please share what you used to do the editing/labeling?
BradKW said:
I really like your photo here...could you please share what you used to do the editing/labeling?

It's called Monosnap - I just need to press ctrl and 1 and it will capture the screen and open the editor where I do the fancy text. Pretty neat!
Today was a good day - I decided to hell with the manual and its crypticness about the chairs, I was going to go in there with a wrench and get the damn things out. And I did! For anyone stumbling across this later, here are the screws I undid (note - clockwise):


The chair came off the base easily once I got those. Now I just have those black bases to remove on a day where it isn't absolutely chucking it down.

The spiders are still around. I stepped up my Raid game and sprayed the interior (patch test first) and got in all the nooks of the fabric. I have a depressing feeling that behind the fancy padded panels is a spider university, where they are learning how to successfully invade the inside of my van. I'll probably end up trying to remove some of them as a spot check to see if my theory is correct. I'm going to wait and see if any more appear before I do that though.

Other things... my friend gave me some carpet squares he had leftover, which will be really useful in making feet-wiping mats to keep the interior clean while I work on her. In addition (and this might gross some people out, but I've been dumpster diving for years and have lots of beliefs in reusing and recycling) I found a wrapped up rug in the apartment dumpster. The person had taken the time to plastic wrap it into a roll, and it had clearly been thrown away because they decided "you know what, we'll just replace this" - it was a bit 'dog' smelling. I've lumped it into the back of the van out of the rain, and will take a pressure washer to it this week to see if I can salvage it. It's a perfect red color to match the interior, and is the exact width of my van too, so I almost feel like this was fate!

Tomorrow we venture to a new mechanic with an excellent reputation, to see what they think of her inner workings. Hopefully my next update won't be full of doom and dollar signs.........
I just got a call from the shop - she's in great shape! He gave me three immediate issues to fix, all of which I was somewhat aware of. First was the drive belts, all three need replacing. He thinks this might have some effect on the steer to the right issue AND the squeak on full crank. Secondly, the tires are screwed and rotted. I'll be heading right over to Discount Tires to get a whole new pair of shoes for her to fix this issue (again, this likely will resolve the steering issue). Lastly, less urgent than the other two but still needed, the front wheel bearings are worn and are causing the steering to jump around a little.

He said that given her age, she's in really good shape, and there were no other obvious issues that needed immediate attention. Yay!
  • Replace belts
  • Replace tires
  • Replace front wheel bearings
  • Washers don't work (wipers do move though)
  • Driver's power window doesn't roll down
  • Slight steer to the right
  • AC needs recharging
  • Squeak occurs on full crank of the wheel (I think in both directions but I still need to check)
  • Rear door doesn't lock - key doesn't turn all the way
  • Check all rubber components and replace where worn
  • VOLTS is lit up on dash
  • Slight squeal comes from the roof of the van at around 40mph - I think air is coming in somewhere
  • Remove and decide whether to store or sell middle seats - Both seats fit in our porch closet!
  • Interior clean 2nd pass
  • Replace carpet
  • Exterior clean
  • Find and destroy spider factory - Ongoing - Raid is my best friend
  • Weather stripping on doors is old and cracked - should be delivered this week
  • Figure out how to get CB radio working again!
  • Install a new sound system with aux input/bluetooth
  • Replace blinds with something less fiddly - you know what, I hate these blinds the most I've ever hated something. And I cannot get them out of the damn van! 
  • Replace broken exhaust - mechanic has a referral to a great exhaust shop, but said it's just a noise thing rather than a performance issue.
Yep, my neighbors (who I have made an effort to befriend so I don't become the 'creepy van girl') have all commented in passing, "wow, you're really working on that thing, huh!"

I'm pretty impressed with how quickly I can get things done when I focus. Can't wait to go mountain exploring in her soon!
Nice, there is no progress to report on my van, of course, lol
Nope, money interruptions, lol, put myself in a bit of a bind buying it, progress will be glacial for the time being
Guess I could start stripping the interior, but been having time constraints, too
Oh I know the feeling. My original purchase budget was $1500 more than I bought her for, so I've had some wiggle room, but we're now at $100 from budget and I'm going to have to start curbing my spending. Once I fix the back door...
Here are the official notes from the mechanic (who took the time to pull up a 3d image of all the parts and explained to me what they were and where on the good to bad scale they were)...

"The power steering belt was loose and all belts were cracked. This was causing the noise while turning and at starting up. The brake fluid is also dark and deteriorated. Both front wheel bearings have a small amount of play. The shocks also look original and are bouncy. The tires are also dry rotted and could be causing the vehicle to pull. Cannot currently align vehicle due to excessive amounts of rust and age. More than likely the adjustments are frozen and will possibly break."

Fixing the rear door lock. 10 screws and some WD40 did it.

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Any idea what this could be? Only the one on the left seems to be responsive and I don't know what it connects to.

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auxiliary switch panel. to run things that are not factory. like lights, TV's, or whatever. the ones that don't light up probably don't have a fuse in them. take it apart and trace the wiring. highdesertranger
Awesome progress! How in the world do you do that? Can you teach me, please?
And man your van looks sooo nice!
Thanks for the love! And thanks highdesertranger for the advice. I'm a little intimidated by the electrical stuff, I've not even yet felt comfortable enough to touch the battery to unhook it! But I have a notepad with a sticker on the front that says DIY: Yes you can do it! that keeps encouraging me to try new things.

We have some new progress to report. I've reorganized the list in terms of importance/priority:
  • Find and destroy spider factory - Ongoing - next step: remove top panels and check in air vents
  • Washers don't work (wipers do move though)
  • Driver's power window doesn't roll down
  • AC needs recharging - getting more and more important...
  • Replace blinds with something less fiddly - you know what, I hate these blinds the most I've ever hated something. And I cannot get them out of the damn van! 
  • Replace carpet - I need to remove all the seats and the rear AC/heater to do it (or work around that, I guess)
  • Replace front wheel bearings
  • Interior clean 2nd pass
  • Exterior clean
  • VOLTS is lit up on dash
  • Figure out how to get CB radio working again!
  • Figure out switches up top
  • Install a new sound system with aux input/bluetooth
  • Slight squeal comes from the roof of the van at around 40mph - I think air is coming in somewhere
  • Slight steer to the right - by the luck of something lucky, the new tires sorted this. Straight as an arrow!
  • Squeak occurs on full crank of the wheel - due to changing of belts, almost completely gone. Now it just sounds old rather than broken. Suspect some stuff needs fixing up in there, but not urgently.
  • Rear door doesn't lock - key doesn't turn all the way - I fixed this myself!!
  • Check all rubber components and replace where worn - belts done, weatherstripping is here and one side is done, rest will get done this week.
  • Weather stripping on doors is old and cracked
We have a potential "launch date" for the van (even though she's already being used!) - I found a date stamped on the seat frame of May 28th 1986 - I figured we'd celebrate her 31st birthday on that date, and have a big old celebration and trip. One of my favorite events of the year, a regional burning man style event, is that weekend, and there's space for me to camp in my van. So we're aiming to have all the important stuff (read: spiders) taken care of by then.
