The Amazing 5 Gallon Bucket

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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2011
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I was posting a suggestion on another post this morning and it got me thinking how amazing the 5 Gallon Bucket really is!

I use a 5 gallon bucket as dirty clothes hamper and then to wash my clothes while on the road.

I know some travelers use them as an inexpensive toilet.

So my question is……

"What do you use a 5 gallon for while on the road…"

-Thanks, AK
I have a black 5 Gal...I added a hose spigot to the base and use it for a solar hot water heater....great for showers,dishes and just about anything else you need nonpotable hot water for
What an interesting idea! I don't carry a bucket but now you have me rethinking that. Thanks!
When I cant get close enough to the RV sewer line port in the yard I use a 5 gal bucket to transfer black water. Its a special bucket, all by itself. Nasty.

Also use one in the back yard for dog waste. Plastic bag liner and a wood top with a handle.
Lucky Mike, thanks for the tip, great idea!
Stargazer, glad you liked it.
-AK bucket is soo many things.

I do use it for a toilet, and I always keep the outside very clean.

It can be an extra seat, small table, haul water or just about anything else, aforementioned laundry, a big step to reach higher, it sore helps with washing my long hair...its easy to carry on a trip to forage for edible plants, once in an urgency it kept my cat safe when I had to transport her to the vet in a pillow case and could not both hold and drive...I am sure there are 25 more things at least...

And I can just tell some of you are going to add to my list! *smile*
I got the Idea from a friend who used a black bucket and a 12vlt pump for his shower......I just squeak when it came time for spending money.......I also have a spare lid for it with a 1 inch hole drilled in it for the plunger handle for laundry.....the spigot makes it easy to drain I said tho....the bucket is for nonpotable water.....but sitting it out on the roof or table will give you plenty of hot water pulled from a natural source for bathing and such..........I also keep a lrge Tide detergent bottle with the spigot on it for hand washing and clean up outside while Im boondocking.......using pond waters and such helps conserve on carried potable water while sitting still for longer durations
My space is very limited so I got a couple of 3 gallon (ish) mop bucket instead. No lid, but two sides are flat for easier carrying and storage. I used it yesterday to gather water from the lake to run through my water filter. The other day when I was stuck in sand I used it to gather rocks to put under my wheels. The little $8 bucket is scratched up but took the pounding quite well!

Today I get to play with my new plunger washer.
We carry a rectangular plastic bucket that once came filled with laundry soap. Its about 2.5 gallons, stores easier than a round one and handy for all kinds of utility uses.
- As a grey water holding tank until I can find a suitable place to dump. It will hold a couple of gallons without splashing out.

- For collecting smaller pieces of firewood.
Good for making "Hooch" and Brewing other Great ferment-able Items !!!!!!!!
Thanks for that link Ken!!.........Very interesting uses , kinda jogged my mind for a few of them!!
The 2.5 gallon size works ok for me. Easier to stow away too.
wow that is a pretty amazing website, never thought you could use a bucket as a backpack etc. pretty neat.
As a toilet and to carry water? Yikes, how about 2 buckets?
I kind of stole this idea from one of Bob's postings (in the old blog), but insulate a 5 gallon bucket with Reflectix and keep solar warmed water in it for a shower the next morning (hint: use the Simple Shower). I put two 2 liter bottles and two 1 liter bottles in one at 2 PM (water temp was 110F, ambient temp was 67F), and at 6AM the next morning the water temp was 84F.

Wish I could post a pic in the text (for some reason, the insert image link wants a URL). I reckon I'll have to post it on my website this weekend.
I have used the 5 gallon bucket for years for just about everything. I have one set up with a bucket boss on it. (tool pockets) and I have a bunch of rectangular cat litter buckets that I am using for everything else. In the picture the ones on the shelf contain emergency supplies for the van, (such as hoses, hose clamps, belts, nuts, bolts, small electrical salvage items) Another has plumbing specialty tools and plastic fittings, another has my tile setting tools, On my last large construction job every other crew talked me out of at least one or two of these rectangular buckets. Since I buy one every other month filled with cat litter, I consider them a free tool. The picture shows 5, but there will be at least 8 after I am done. Everyone labeled.


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