Even Sasquatch doesn't want to miss Publisher's Clearing House notices.You guys are crazy. Any fool can see that this is the work of Sasquatch.
Even Sasquatch doesn't want to miss Publisher's Clearing House notices.You guys are crazy. Any fool can see that this is the work of Sasquatch.
Even if it was a fairy house, I would NEVER advise ignoring your creep alarm. Sometimes, your subconscious sees things your conscious doesn't.
Hey, that looks like Panama in 1989. I was stationed at Fork Gulick then Ft. Davis on the Atlantic side. You a 193rd guy?Yep. Listening to my gut has literally kept me alive a couple times in places like this:
I was thinking it could also be a place where someone living very remotely, or who is involved in something illicit, gets things that are delivered by another person. Or maybe a person who doesn't have the mental health to live in community, but still needs things from the greater community, and someone who knows this individual can reach him by leaving messages or money in the box. Or, just the place where he stores important things. The box is easily visible, making it something they can find to do exchanges. Or maybe it is an art piece. Why though, would someone put an art piece in such a remote location, where so few would see it?"Fury from the sky". Yep. I was one of the USAF combat air controllers assigned to the brigade. Proudly wore the "B*tch in the Ditch" (Abn) as my first C.P. Funny thing, I had just left the 505th at Bragg 2 weeks before the Noriega Heavy Metal Rock Fest at the Papal Nuncio (glad not to have taken part of that CLUSTER at Tocumen even though it meant a combat drop star). The 2/75th which was my outfit prior to the 8o Deuce had a fun time there and at Rio Hato.
I got off the plane at Howard and the guy meeting me handed me a 9 mil. Told me to tuck it in my waistband and keep it on me. Said the PDF was getting jiggy... Sure enough, they over jigged themselves 2 weeks later when they killed that Navy guy at that roadblock. Didn't you guys use a Vulcan on that side to hose those boys?
I was thinking it could also be a place where someone living very remotely, or who is involved in something illicit, gets things that are delivered by another person. Or maybe a person who doesn't have the mental health to live in community, but still needs things from the greater community, and someone who knows this individual can reach him by leaving messages or money in the box. Or, just the place where he stores important things. The box is easily visible, making it something they can find to do exchanges. Or maybe it is an art piece. Why though, would someone put an art piece in such a remote location, where so few would see it?