That was... Weird...

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2021
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So yesterday before an afternoon get together, I tried to get in my regular hour long walk along with Sam. Decided to hit the trail at the CoE park by the Lock and Dam since it was kind of a raw windy day and the dense trees would block most of the wind. Parked and had just started walking. Ran into a couple coming the other way. They told me that the path was blocked by flooding in a slough that it crosses just beyond. I decided to go bushwhacking through the woods instead of going back. There's a bluff that runs along the river and overlooks the lock complex about 700m off the trail if you crunch through the woods. Really a great view and no one ever seems to stray off the path to see it except me.

Anyway, we're just crunching along doing some land nav. About 400m into the woods at the base of ridge I see something really out of place at the foot of a tree. See the photos below. Remember. I'm way out in the woods here. No paths, no people, just ravines, muddy creeks, and deep woods... I looked at this thing and quite frankly it gave me the heeby jeebies. Sam wouldn't get near it. I had the distinct and creepy sensation of being watched...

Now, I have literally untold thousands of hours in the woods and deserts. I know that forest critters can and do hide a very few feet from you and not be detected. Heck, I done it myself on training E&E exercises hiding 3 feet from people doing their best to find you (always pick really nasty stuff to hide in - like thorny entanglements - no one wants to go in there).

Usually if there's a crittur around, Sam sniffs it out right away and lets me know it's there. He did nothing of the kind this time and just seemed to want to leave the area. NOW (note him standing off in the upper right of the 1st photo). I had to take a few pix but didn't get really close, that weird feeling got stronger the closer I got, and I sure didn't open it. Never know WHAT might be in there. Anyway, I took the pix and tromped off. Still, I couldn't shake that really creepy feeling that I had blundered into something strange... Disclaimer: No, I was not drinking. THAT came later!!! :ROFLMAO:

I now invite your disbelief, jeers and barely veiled references to my mental stability.

I don't quite get what's so weird about an old mailbox that some kids threw there or whatever. At first glance, I thought that there were 3 of them grouped together and found that to be weird. But since there is only one, I wonder why you posted 3 different pics? It also seems strange you didn't open it with a stick or something. What could be in there that would be so scary?
I don't quite get what's so weird about an old mailbox that some kids threw there or whatever. At first glance, I thought that there were 3 of them grouped together and found that to be weird. But since there is only one, I wonder why you posted 3 different pics? It also seems strange you didn't open it with a stick or something. What could be in there that would be so scary?
Heheh, I'm pretty sure that some kids weren't the ones who put it there. Terrain's simply too remote, bad, and marshy. Floods a lot. If I were to take a rational guess, it's a geo cache. As to opening it. I didn't want to star in a Redneck Remake of "It"! Seriously though. I learned a long time ago in the mil (the hard way for a friend), if it's something all shiny and out of place that just screams "pick me up"... Don't do it. Never know what kind of "strings" may be attached... My Dad actually warned me about that through his experience as a marine grunt in the Pacific in WW2. Still doesn't explain the very weird vibe though... Wasn't imagining that.

Couldn't hurt to mention it to someone. You know, "see something, say something"?
It could well be harmless, but it might not. And if both you and your dog got a weird vibe off of it, that's worth paying attention to.
Cops don't seem to mind the "this is probably nothing, but..." calls. And they're better equipped to make the decision on whether to worry about it.
Thanks for the mystery!
Floods a lot in the area? A mailbox that is closed like that would probably float pretty well and might be carried off quite a ways. Any numbers on it? Post a pic on craiglist in the "Lost and Found" section. Someone out there may be missing some important mail.
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Nothing strange or wierd about it if you are familiar with the tradition behind it.

Basically it is a Faerie House or in another variation a gnome or elf house. Sometimes it is done as mouse or hedgehog holes. Not for real animals, just the illustrated story book variations. Obviously the theme behind this one is a Christmas Elf. If you look closely it is painted up to be as cottage with windows and doors on the front and sides. Possibly it had some small greeting messages or tiny toys inside it. But nothing creepy or dangerous in intent.

Anyway the intention of such things is based on creating a fun craft project that is being made to be shared with the public on a walk in the woods.
If you left a pic of at the local post office I bet they could quiz their carriers and find out where it came from. That's if it's just a decorated mailbox that somehow travelled.
I agree with maki2.

People create little faerie gardens many places around the country.

They are whimsical and harmless, from what I have seen and read about them.

It’s impossible to know what is behind this particular one and it’s location, but it undoubtedly means something to at least the person who put it there, and should just be respected. see a lot of roadside mailboxes decorated in all kinds of whimsical,folk artsy ways.

I guess placing faerie boxes in the woods is fun for some but others might see the practice as littering.

It was found in a COE park so whoever left it there wasn't exactly following the "Leave No Trace" guidelines.
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Or it could be something bad cunningly designed as a fairy house, bwaaa ... not saying that's likely, but it is a little concerning that JDub's dog had such a negative reaction (unless it was picking up vibes from JDub and JDub's spidey sense was off, so two separate "if"s).

I've only seen fairy houses that were small, made out of twigs, and meant to blend in -- but if you guys have really seen things in this category that look like this, fair enough.

I'd guess not geocaching, since those things are supposed to be harder to find.

Though you never can tell what individual humans will do.
I have not seen faerie mailboxes like this one, but given the little guy on the box looks a bit like Santa, I wonder if it was a place for kids to leave letters to Santa?

I don’t know, of course, but would bet money there’s a story behind that item. ☺️
So yesterday before an afternoon get together, I tried to get in my regular hour long walk along with Sam. Decided to hit the trail at the CoE park by the Lock and Dam since it was kind of a raw windy day and the dense trees would block most of the wind. Parked and had just started walking. Ran into a couple coming the other way. They told me that the path was blocked by flooding in a slough that it crosses just beyond. I decided to go bushwhacking through the woods instead of going back. There's a bluff that runs along the river and overlooks the lock complex about 700m off the trail if you crunch through the woods. Really a great view and no one ever seems to stray off the path to see it except me.

Anyway, we're just crunching along doing some land nav. About 400m into the woods at the base of ridge I see something really out of place at the foot of a tree. See the photos below. Remember. I'm way out in the woods here. No paths, no people, just ravines, muddy creeks, and deep woods... I looked at this thing and quite frankly it gave me the heeby jeebies. Sam wouldn't get near it. I had the distinct and creepy sensation of being watched...

Now, I have literally untold thousands of hours in the woods and deserts. I know that forest critters can and do hide a very few feet from you and not be detected. Heck, I done it myself on training E&E exercises hiding 3 feet from people doing their best to find you (always pick really nasty stuff to hide in - like thorny entanglements - no one wants to go in there).

Usually if there's a crittur around, Sam sniffs it out right away and lets me know it's there. He did nothing of the kind this time and just seemed to want to leave the area. NOW (note him standing off in the upper right of the 1st photo). I had to take a few pix but didn't get really close, that weird feeling got stronger the closer I got, and I sure didn't open it. Never know WHAT might be in there. Anyway, I took the pix and tromped off. Still, I couldn't shake that really creepy feeling that I had blundered into something strange... Disclaimer: No, I was not drinking. THAT came later!!! :ROFLMAO:

I now invite your disbelief, jeers and barely veiled references to my mental stability.

View attachment 30838View attachment 30839View attachment 30840
Ohhh I see you found "CHUCKY"'s Country home..!! 😶‍🌫️🤯
So yesterday before an afternoon get together, I tried to get in my regular hour long walk along with Sam. Decided to hit the trail at the CoE park by the Lock and Dam since it was kind of a raw windy day and the dense trees would block most of the wind. Parked and had just started walking. Ran into a couple coming the other way. They told me that the path was blocked by flooding in a slough that it crosses just beyond. I decided to go bushwhacking through the woods instead of going back. There's a bluff that runs along the river and overlooks the lock complex about 700m off the trail if you crunch through the woods. Really a great view and no one ever seems to stray off the path to see it except me.

Anyway, we're just crunching along doing some land nav. About 400m into the woods at the base of ridge I see something really out of place at the foot of a tree. See the photos below. Remember. I'm way out in the woods here. No paths, no people, just ravines, muddy creeks, and deep woods... I looked at this thing and quite frankly it gave me the heeby jeebies. Sam wouldn't get near it. I had the distinct and creepy sensation of being watched...

Now, I have literally untold thousands of hours in the woods and deserts. I know that forest critters can and do hide a very few feet from you and not be detected. Heck, I done it myself on training E&E exercises hiding 3 feet from people doing their best to find you (always pick really nasty stuff to hide in - like thorny entanglements - no one wants to go in there).

Usually if there's a crittur around, Sam sniffs it out right away and lets me know it's there. He did nothing of the kind this time and just seemed to want to leave the area. NOW (note him standing off in the upper right of the 1st photo). I had to take a few pix but didn't get really close, that weird feeling got stronger the closer I got, and I sure didn't open it. Never know WHAT might be in there. Anyway, I took the pix and tromped off. Still, I couldn't shake that really creepy feeling that I had blundered into something strange... Disclaimer: No, I was not drinking. THAT came later!!! :ROFLMAO:

I now invite your disbelief, jeers and barely veiled references to my mental stability.

View attachment 30838View attachment 30839View attachment 30840
people are leaving things for others to find usually something small that can be carried out you could check inside.
So yesterday before an afternoon get together, I tried to get in my regular hour long walk along with Sam. Decided to hit the trail at the CoE park by the Lock and Dam since it was kind of a raw windy day and the dense trees would block most of the wind. Parked and had just started walking. Ran into a couple coming the other way. They told me that the path was blocked by flooding in a slough that it crosses just beyond. I decided to go bushwhacking through the woods instead of going back. There's a bluff that runs along the river and overlooks the lock complex about 700m off the trail if you crunch through the woods. Really a great view and no one ever seems to stray off the path to see it except me.

Anyway, we're just crunching along doing some land nav. About 400m into the woods at the base of ridge I see something really out of place at the foot of a tree. See the photos below. Remember. I'm way out in the woods here. No paths, no people, just ravines, muddy creeks, and deep woods... I looked at this thing and quite frankly it gave me the heeby jeebies. Sam wouldn't get near it. I had the distinct and creepy sensation of being watched...

Now, I have literally untold thousands of hours in the woods and deserts. I know that forest critters can and do hide a very few feet from you and not be detected. Heck, I done it myself on training E&E exercises hiding 3 feet from people doing their best to find you (always pick really nasty stuff to hide in - like thorny entanglements - no one wants to go in there).

Usually if there's a crittur around, Sam sniffs it out right away and lets me know it's there. He did nothing of the kind this time and just seemed to want to leave the area. NOW (note him standing off in the upper right of the 1st photo). I had to take a few pix but didn't get really close, that weird feeling got stronger the closer I got, and I sure didn't open it. Never know WHAT might be in there. Anyway, I took the pix and tromped off. Still, I couldn't shake that really creepy feeling that I had blundered into something strange... Disclaimer: No, I was not drinking. THAT came later!!! :ROFLMAO:

I now invite your disbelief, jeers and barely veiled references to my mental stability.

View attachment 30838View attachment 30839View attachment 30840
That is awesome!
people are leaving things for others to find usually something small that can be carried out you could check inside.
Not sure I want to! This is really pretty far out there. I'm going to leave it alone...:oops:
Floods a lot in the area? A mailbox that is closed like that would probably float pretty well and might be carried off quite a ways. Any numbers on it? Post a pic on craiglist in the "Lost and Found" section. Someone out there may be missing some important mail.
Not where it's at. It's on the side of a ridge above the marshy stuff. it's definitely been put there. No possible other way. The nearest home is probably 2 miles away. The entire peninsula is a mostly heavily wooded park we call the "bottoms" due to it being almost like a bayou...
Nothing strange or wierd about it if you are familiar with the tradition behind it.

Basically it is a Faerie House or in another variation a gnome or elf house. Sometimes it is done as mouse or hedgehog holes. Not for real animals, just the illustrated story book variations. Obviously the theme behind this one is a Christmas Elf. If you look closely it is painted up to be as cottage with windows and doors on the front and sides. Possibly it had some small greeting messages or tiny toys inside it. But nothing creepy or dangerous in intent.

Anyway the intention of such things is based on creating a fun craft project that is being made to be shared with the public on a walk in the woods.
If it were closer to the (only) trail that might be the case Maki, but I gotta emphasize just how remote, unvisited, and isolated this spot is. It took me 20 min of breaking trail to get there. I think it may be a geo cache. But still, that really bad vibe... Maybe the vibe is due to something else... I'm not the easily spooked type - pretty hard to do it for me. Honestly, Sam's reaction was really out of character for him.

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