That mesquite bush I passed-out into liked me a little too much...

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Sep 1, 2018
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Mostly Austin or somewhere in Arizona
It tried to stow away for a free ride. But I just evicted it.


I'm hoping that's all of it. 

P.S. No, I don't have a massive infection. Yes, I know how to tell when I'm getting an infection (beyond a little pus coming out of a wound). No, I don't need to see a doctor..... yet. (And I probably won't need to at all.) Remember, your talking to someone who grew up running around in the woods about 12 hours out of every day. I've had more wood stuck under my skin than you can shake a stick at.


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As the stomach turns.....

You do realize the sight of blood is something you ought to warn people about in the title don't you? Even the TV news gives a warning before they show blood.
A couple of specks of blood is bad? I really didn't notice them, just saw two sticks. Maybe I should be more observant but blood doesn't bother me much unless it is a lot of my own.

Edit to add: Hopefully this is the last and you heal quickly.
Didn't notice the blood and wouldn't bother me if I did, lol.

Hope you heal quickly!
yeah, HDR is right, serious bad luck.

I’m really enjoying reading about it, though, so thank you for sharing.
I’ve never fallen into a mesquite bush, but have had foreign bodies lodged in mine due to other untoward experiences.

Speaks to the need for always having a small first aid kit.

I have been carrying the past several years a broad spectrum antibiotic that I keep in reserve for a real emergency when I am in what is for me a remote area.

A dirty wound, an abscessed tooth, etc.

I know not to pop antibiotics without just cause, and have only used them once, for an ear infection, promptly replaced when back in the land of pharmacies.

Just a thought, as something like this could happen to any of us, and easily become infected.

Hope you heal promptly, and no more passing out.
WanderingRose said:
I have been carrying the past several years a broad spectrum antibiotic that I keep in reserve for a real emergency when I am in what is for me a remote area.

I know not to pop antibiotics without just cause, and have only used them once, for an ear infection, promptly replaced when back in the land of pharmacies.

Not a bad idea. Perhaps you could start a separate thread to discuss how you got it and how to properly care for it / replace it as needed.

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