I've seen TV travel shows where in Countries other than the USA, people pull their RV's onto flat bed Rail Cars
for excursions. You are able to stay in your RV like it is your own private car on the rail road.
From time to time I see RV's on "low boy" trailers behind Tractors towing them down the Interstate. But by law
I don't think anyone can ride in them when they are being towed. I guess that it would work the same on
rail freight...if the rail road would even agree to do it.
Youtube Video: Mexico's Copper Canyon excursion.
Time was that you saw automobiles on rail cars being transported. Like so.
Today it seems all automotive rail cars are enclosed. I understand that was because kids along the rail road
were throwing rocks throw windows or shooting them with air rifles etc.
People do ship RV's on trucks
I more frequently see larger boats or yachts on the road though.
I think the idea has a lot going for it just the same. The big Diesel rigs get much better mileage and
you will defer a lot of wear on your RV if you can ship it. I would put some kind of padded cover
over the windshield though.
I understand that if you are shipping something less than 500 miles the Motor Freight is the way to go.
But if it is further than 1000 miles Rail Freight is more practical. Again if a Rail carrier would even agree.
(if a train has to stop for any period in a more remote area or in the inner late at night, your RV could be vulnerable to being broken into or vandalized.