Survive on $600 living out of vehicle??

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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2011
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I have an income from Social Security of $600 a month. I am in the process of converting my 2014 Ford Escape as my dwelling vehicle for now. 

I am a little apprehensive about being able to live on that amount without extreme hardship. I have no bills to have to pay monthly. My vehicle and insurance is being taken care of from an agreement made that is pretty secure and will be ongoing. So my only expenses will be food, gas, and general living expenses to keep me safe, and secure. I looked at the expense chart that Bob put up on the front door of the site. It does show the example of living a sparce life on $500 a month. And it doesn't show anything about camping fees.  I could swing that of course with what I receive but I certainly would have to be just about completely dependant on Free camping. I know that I will have to be heading West for the BLM and other Free type of dwelling camping, because I don't think it would be that easy here in the Eastern US.
So, my basic question is,  would that be doable without really suffering? I am a very frugal person, and don't have to have a lot to keep me happy. 
Here is a link to the budgets.
I live quite comfortably on the equivalent of $381 USD ($530 CDN from disability), so on $600 you could be livin like a KING! ..Willy.
Do you have medical covered from some source? I would try living on the amount of what is budgeted for food to get comfortable with that to begin with. Are you capable of doing any type of work as back up if you fall short on funds, even just putting in some hours as a volunteer to get a free campsite if needed? That is where I would start. Also, "google" for other full-time budgets. I think it can be done but will you be comfortable doing it? Do you have savings to start out with to carry you through for emergencies? I don't mean for you to answer here but to ask yourself these questions.
The current blog talks about making money.  You should come to the RTR so you can sign up for a campground host.  The big tent will have booths looking for workers.

Is there something special holding you on the East coast so you can't go West?  The West is where it is really at in this point in time.  It is my favorite part of this country.
Willy said:
I live quite comfortably on the equivalent of $381 USD ($530 CDN from disability), so on $600 you could be livin like a KING! ..Willy.

Wow, that is amazing to me that you could live on the small amount you receive. I have Medicare with part B and d. So my $600 monthly is what I will have for sure but after those are taken out of my SS income.
If you have the time and would care to share some ways that you make that amount work, I would be very interested in seeing how you do that. I am always open to suggestions on frugslity. 
B and C said:
The current blog talks about making money.  You should come to the RTR so you can sign up for a campground host.  The big tent will have booths looking for workers.

Is there something special holding you on the East coast so you can't go West?  The West is where it is really at in this point in time.  It is my favorite part of this country.

There is not anything that would keep me here. I just have to tie up a few small loose ends, and work out what to pack in the Escape, that I will really need and not over pack. 
I would like to attend at least part of the RTR, and pick up all the information and help on things that will help me be successful in this life change. 

I was told by a few friends and relatives here that on the amount of income I have, that I should seek HUD, or some other agency to help me find and help with housing here and not attempt vehicle dwelling, because I would not be able to sustain myself, and would be very uncomfortable and unhappy. 
Besides wanting to prove them wrong, and because I don't see me being happy living month to month in subsitized housing, I don't think I would be any happier doing that. 
So I am trying to get some opposing opinions here, on the financial side of this, to make a fair and educated decision.
Steve, you are probably covered by Medicare--I hope both A & B. In that case, I think it can be done. Of course, a nest egg of some kind would be advisable.

Note: I see you have already stated that you do. Hope it works for you. The worst that can happen is that it doesn't and you will have to pick up some money from a part-time or seasonal job.
$50 x 30 days = $1500 monthly. Typical mentioned for many. So you are thinking about somewhat less than half that. $20 x 30 days = $600 which you would think is possible.

Look at the folks hiking the Appalachian Trail. They can do $20 a day for six months. But their health is great, and they use only walking for transportation.
Look at the folks hiking the Appalachian Trail. They can do $20 a day for six months. But their health is great, and they use only walking for transportation.

I don't understand why it should cost $20 a day to hike the AT.  Assuming you are already geared up, you only have to buy dried food in advance and have it shipped to pickup points.  I've never hiked the AT but can easily live on $5-10/day when backpacking or kayak camping. What am I missing?
stupidly expensive obamacare medical insurance costs. Unless you are on Medicaid. or just keep it as savings for rainy day issues.

mockturtle said:
I don't understand why it should cost $20 a day to hike the AT.  Assuming you are already geared up, you only have to buy dried food in advance and have it shipped to pickup points.  I've never hiked the AT but can easily live on $5-10/day when backpacking or kayak camping. What am I missing?
bindi&us said:
If you were in the military and over 65 you might qualify for a pension along with your SS.

I was in the military, but I was just National guard for only 11 years. $0 for that. I only get the $600 with Medicare A & D.. In other words, I receive $600 after the Medicare expenses are taken out.
As stated by Jay....check with the VA for hospital may not get money/compensation but you might get healthcare and meds with a smaller co payment than Medicare. Worth a phone call 1-800-827-1000. Good luck!
If you get $600, trytoliveon $500 andsave the rest. An unexpected medical bill could ruin you. If you have to pay for your own repairs, an unexpected breakdown could leave you homel. A little reserve kitty will be especially important in your situation. You can always look for opportunities to make a few bucks.
You're the only one that can make your personal WANT/NEED lists.
Heck , I know fulltime RVers that spend $600 a month on wine!
I know some that manage their needs on half that or less.
I look at it like this,,,,,I have this much... I'm going to find a way to make it work!
bindi&us said:
If you were in the military and over 65 you might qualify for a pension along with your SS.

I am going to check into that. But I don't think I am eligible because I fell short of 20 years. I really don't think I can get anything. I will however do some checking.
rvpopeye said:
You're the only one that can make your personal WANT/NEED lists.
Heck , I know fulltime RVers that spend $600 a month on wine!
I know some that manage their needs on half that or less.
I look at it like this,,,,,I have this much... I'm going to find a way to make it work!

What you say is wise. I have always been the type of person that can make due with what I have and can be very frugal when I need to. I sometimes make a game of how much I can get by without. I am pretty good at it. Me thinks if me eats plenty of me spinach I will come through this on top.
Thanks for  that insight.
That's exactly the attitude you need to have.
Sounds like you'll do just fine .