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Well-known member
May 27, 2017
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I have a fairly good idea of how diversified the members of this forum are, using an assortment of ways to have shelter, both mobile and not, as well as having this shelter in a variety of locales. So for fun and to illustrate just how varied we are, regarding your current location, what is the temperature? Here, it's 20 degrees with snow, after a low of zero last night.
Its up and down here in Colorado springs, But today has been around 48 in the high, tomorrow calling for 39, and Friday up to 55. Yesterday, we had a nice warm day, I think it was in the low 60's.
Jacksonville FL: 60's during the day, mid-30s at night. Brrr. I came here to get AWAY from weather like this.  ;)

If this keeps up, I'm moving someplace warm. Like Florida.

(Actually it's supposed to get back into the 70s later this week.)
18 degrees and snow, Williamstown MA.  Part time camper currently.
Surfers Paradise, Australia. Upper 90's in the daytime and drops to maybe mid 70's at night. 5 blocks from the Pacific Ocean.
CMotrukdriver said:
Surfers Paradise, Australia.  Upper 90's in the daytime and drops to maybe mid 70's at night.  5 blocks from the Pacific Ocean.

Omg, you are killing me here! Wow. Enjoy!
Motrukdriver said:
Surfers Paradise, Australia.  Upper 90's in the daytime and drops to maybe mid 70's at night.  5 blocks from the Pacific Ocean.

Not fair--it's the middle of SUMMER down there.

We'll be coming home on Jan 22nd. Right in the middle of winter so we go from summer to winter with no season in between. It shows 55 and dropping down to 27 tonight where we live in Missouri. I'm sure it will be colder when we get home. There,,, feel better now? hahaha I gotta go chase a kangaroo now.... Honey!! Where's my boomarang?
Massachusetts 19 degrees right now. low is going to be 7 tonight.

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lenny flank said:
Jacksonville FL: 60's during the day, mid-30s at night. Brrr. I came here to get AWAY from weather like this.  ;)

If this keeps up, I'm moving someplace warm. Like Florida.

I keep thinking the same thing. 45* here this morning in Golden Valley, AZ but it's been below freezing every morning in Kingman where I work outside. I left all my warm winter clothes in Wyoming and now I need them...never thought I would!
South Florida, nighttime temps in the 50-60s and daytime in the low 80's, living fulltime in my 5th wheel, contemplating the next step of becoming a true nomad....
Why AZ: upper 60s to low 70s during the day, mid-to-upper 40s at night.
gsfish said:
Just took a walk at 7:00AM. Overcast and 70 degrees, hi today is expected to be 75, low tonight 54. We had a little snow about ten days ago.
Pensacola, Florida

Yeh, it's back up to around 80 here in J-ville.  Supposed to get chilly again next week though.

I'm planning to head down to Miami at the end of the month.
Vancouver, WA 54 today, 53 tonight (Go figure) Rest of next week is 40"s for highs and mid 30's for lows...
6 deg F right now, going down to -5 tonight. Glad I'm not in the van!

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