Well-known member
This is not a new problem, but I thought I had it taken care of.
New battery, new transmission, new engine, new radiator all that. There is power from the battery it reads 13. But nothing. No headlights even. No clicks.
This happened last year and I got towed 60 miles, in the middle of the night, to find out it was (they said) battery cables where the little copper thing that goes on the battery post was corroded. Replaced cables.
it did happen another time before that, and this guy who said he had the same problem with his, just jiggled the steering wheel and the gear shift and it started.
Earlier today when I started at a gas station it seemed a little sluggish starting but I kept going. Now it won't start it all.
Only went a little over 200 miles today and I wish I could keep going. AAA will tow me back to where I started but I sure wish I could get this solved and keep going on my trip and do what I need to do.
Any ideas what this could be? Thanks.
New battery, new transmission, new engine, new radiator all that. There is power from the battery it reads 13. But nothing. No headlights even. No clicks.
This happened last year and I got towed 60 miles, in the middle of the night, to find out it was (they said) battery cables where the little copper thing that goes on the battery post was corroded. Replaced cables.
it did happen another time before that, and this guy who said he had the same problem with his, just jiggled the steering wheel and the gear shift and it started.
Earlier today when I started at a gas station it seemed a little sluggish starting but I kept going. Now it won't start it all.
Only went a little over 200 miles today and I wish I could keep going. AAA will tow me back to where I started but I sure wish I could get this solved and keep going on my trip and do what I need to do.
Any ideas what this could be? Thanks.