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SternWake said:
I am disgusted with political correctness, the hyper sensitivity, and it is getting worse as people seek new ways to fabricate indignation that they can feed upon, revel within, and draw attention to themselves over. 

Can I get an "Amen"?
SternWake, everything you said above is true. Thank you for the many hours you spent trying to educate the rest of us with accurate information. I'm sorry you got such a kick in the teeth. If you do happen to set up your own website with helpful 12V information, please post here and we will flock to it. Unfortunately, the web has been flooded with misinformation consisting of theories and opinions, and few -- if any -- facts.
Sir Sternwake, in any open forum, there will always be a give-and-take of ideas.

I was right in the middle of the thread du-jours that day...and I would not change a thing. You expressed your knowledge and beliefs eloquently and I think I did also.

I was in no way offended by your slightly offbeat (for this forum) ways of expressing yourself...actually they made me feel like a part of the 'pack'.

I encouraged  the 'odd' path to possible success, and I think you supported what was well-proven and reliable modern technology. And there is nothing wrong with either approach, if one goes in with an open mind.  

I think the members here, most of them anyway, can see the benefits of both approaches. And all here are free to experiment or simply go with what works.

And, your countless hours of explaining things in detail will stand as 'reference' material for years to come. You were often a shining 'lighthouse' in the dark and murky fog of technology.

If you find your way back to this forum, many members here, including myself, will be much the richer for it.

Take care and good luck.
SternWake said:
My post...

SternWake, if you happen to read this, thank you. That doesn't come close to expressing the gratitude I have for you, your time, your knowledge, and your patience. Take care.
SternWake, I had been following that thread but then hadn't checked it for a few days. When next I logged in here, I found this thread and wondered what the drama was about. By that time, your post had been deleted, but I saw part of it in someone's quote of you. You wrote: "We need Data, not supposition, not justification, not opinion. No data, then, in my opinion, then kindly stfu." I still wondered what the drama was about after seeing that.

To me, your comment was obviously NOT an ad hominem attack as it wasn't addressed to anyone specific. You stated clearly that it was your opinion and it seemed to me that saying "kindly stfu" the way you did was in the same vein as phrases like "shit or get off the pot" and "show me the money." I can't even fathom how it was misconstrued as a direct attack on anybody. Is it just because I'm a New Yorker that I got it?

It can be easy to misinterpret the written word because it is not accompanied by tone, body language, and vocal inflection, but in this instance, the misinterpretation seems way off to me. I moderate another forum where we do not allow ad hominem attacks and I wouldn't have issued a demerit for what you posted. If someone was a known troublemaker, it might have garnered a warning. I think you're owed an apology, IMHO.

Sorry you feel your time here was wasted, and sorry to see you go.
My few words for what your posts mean to me.
Thoroughly Knowledgeable Patience

If you ever feel like just wasting some time and get a few laughs you are always welcome to visit the You Ain't Right thread.

Thanks for what you have done here !

Asta La Vista Surfer Joe
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