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[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]This forum exists to offer, help, compassion, and community to other human beings. EVERYTHING else is just an aspect of that. [/font]

People that have specific training and understanding of a subject get frustrated by those posers that give bad advice, especially when it is not only accepted by those doomed to make expensive mistakes, but encouraged by authority figures that should know better.

How about a little compassion for those that have spent a large amount of time dedicated to helping others?  Don't we count as human beings? If we have a bad day, don't we deserve a small measure of understanding and a couple moments of time?  As helpers, do we not count as community members? 

Stearnwake taught me the basics so I survived when I first went walkabout.  His attitude impressed on me the wisdom of avoiding  the 120V dorm fridge. Thanks to him I lasted six months until I could afford my first panel.  This led to extensive private training from Renogy in system design.  Today, three years after that purchase, my maintanance consists of washing off my panels, and cleaning the dust off of my batteries. I donate my time in most cases. Some people insist on paying me, but I will work for free if there is an honest need. 

I see no need to spend money twice trying to cut corners.  If I tell someone something on this forum, I either have researched it or experienced it. Being attacked by (XXXXXX) for whatever reason is not part of the deal.  When it is allowed to happen I step away from the situation.  At this time in my life anger can cause a fatality.  I dont need to kill myself trying to educate someone on reality.

Buying a low cost item designed to operate for a short time in a non mobile environment is the epitome of foolishness.  When I reported the cascade effect a failed component caused,   :dodgy: I was attacked.  My response was laughter, which got my posts removed. 

I do not pretend to have all the knowlege, but I undertand cause and effect.  I've been consistantly ridiculed because I did not take second by second readings on a cascade failure that happened overnight.  Not even the system owner knew anything until the worst possible result happened.  

That is why I no longer will contribute in open forum.   I pass along advice and opinion sometimes.  Even that gets me attacked by those that fail to see the world as it is.       

This is why I understand and appreciate how Stearnwake feels.
I used to participate in a forum for the autoimmune disease I have. It had its ups and downs, but was a part of my life. The owner of the forum was a non-profit, they did a very good job of running the place. One day it all changed! The non-profit turned over running the forum to a for profit corporation. Everything was ruined as the site started supporting products that were questionable as to safety and result.

This forum is still run by and for CRVL. It isn't perfect. Stuff goes wrong. But this forum is pure. You may get good advice or you may get bad advice, but no one besides the forum owner is making money off this forum, and I doubt Bob is making bank on any of this.

So thank you to those that help, thank you to Bob for all you do, thanks to the moderators who help out, and thank you to Stern Wake for all he contributed.

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One of the best things about this site is the large variety of viewers and posters that feel they can freely comment with out worry of being chastised. Someone can prove and show you you are wrong, basically educate you, making you realize you are ignorant without making you feel stupid. A lot of new members ask the same questions over and over and sometimes just referencing previous posts prevents a lot of problems. Maybe more sticky notes would help prevent some frustration in areas we are familiar with. Most people here are looking for a way to survive and as the saying goes poor people have poor ways, sometimes they cost more and don't work as well in the long run but if they get on the road a year sooner and save maybe it is worth it to them. Any way thanks Bob and all the moderators for keeping this a refuge of peace and kindness for all kinds of people.
My only comment is I sure hope he comes back !
Haven't read the story but someone needs to get him back! I've followed his posts for years and never seen a post that wasn't measured and helpful... someone must have really screwed up to make him want to leave?? Wasn't the guy like an electrical engineer or something? Anyway, just my two cents.
GotSmart said:
[font=Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]This forum exists to offer, help, compassion, and community to other human beings. EVERYTHING else is just an aspect of that. [/font]

People that have specific training and understanding of a subject get frustrated by those posers that give bad advice, especially when it is not only accepted by those doomed to make expensive mistakes, but encouraged by authority figures that should know better.

How about a little compassion for those that have spent a large amount of time dedicated to helping others?  Don't we count as human beings? If we have a bad day, don't we deserve a small measure of understanding and a couple moments of time?  As helpers, do we not count as community members? 
That is why I no longer will contribute in open forum.   I pass along advice and opinion sometimes.  Even that gets me attacked by those that fail to see the world as it is.       

This is why I understand and appreciate how Stearnwake feels.
  Just read your post, and can certainly understand your frustration.
  I guess that is the nature of an open forum? I hope you don't let this get to you too much.
The problem with the written word and communication is that unless you are really skillful you can convey facts or ideas but rarely both at the same time. Also, the nature of short posts in the forum could be misunderstood. A good example is Bob commented on a thread I posted in that the unit was very expensive and also made in Canada. Very expensive is a bad thing and when you use the word also you join the first with the idea of bad to the second thing. Did he mean this? Or did he mean, in addition, a common English usage error. I didn't take offense, I asked a clarifiying question.  Now this is not the same as saying shut the **** up. But was it meant as a gentle chastisement as one poster has put forward or was it a full on STFU.

I got called out on a misunderstanding and it made me think...Hmmm. I can get most of what I want from videos, and do I have the time to contribute? I get paid to write. Perhaps not, as they say, bank. But it pays my bills. Few walk blindly into this forum as newbies. Most have been on forums abided by the rules, and seen the forums change and evolve. I Love this forums mission statement. Truly a great and honorable pursuit. But the forum lives and dies on content. Accurate content and sometimes that gets frustrating when two experts in their field have a college grasp of English and are trying.  I continue to contribute because I miss talking in English with other English speakers. If I'd have been home I might have thought shut the front door and been on my way.

Clearer rules in one place that artiqulates NEVER, NO, You should know better, You will be warned.
A First offense is A second B.
Use the warning level indicator. I've never seen anyone above zero.
People will take discipline, it is only when it is perceived as heavy handed will people get pissed off.  Notice I used PERCEIVED. I didn't say People will take discipline it is only when it is heavy handed will people get pissed off. Similar 11 characcters different, and a world of difference from your point of view right?

Just my humble opinion. I watched Pirate 4x4 turn into a troll factory and Expedition Portal becoame a place for the uber rich to show off rigs they will never use. You have an awesome tribe and community here and you yourself say you feel the loss. So I hope you do take steps to show the love I feel, you feel, for the guy.
I feel that i should have asked a clarifying question on the fridge install thread. Something like "where are you coming from with your stfu?" Obviously frustration, but with what exactly. I'm sure some understood what exactly, i wasn't one of them.

I certainly hated to see the thread devolve and people get frustrated. I replied out of frustration myself and didn't help the situation at all. That's on me.

The expertise of people here is appreciated immensely but does that mean it's not ok to experiment with something else? Of course you've been there and done that, and don't want to see others throw good money after bad ideas. The thread in question was meant to quantify the experience. Numbers for folks to look at and for the experts to point to when hypothesis is not enough.

I truly hope SternWake comes back to the forum. His way of explaining things was so helpful to so many, includong me. I also hope that the other experts understand that some folks learn by doing far better than by reading and sometimes education costs $. The experts, i believe, learned by doing. So it should be ok to allow others to do the same.

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My recollection was SW agreed with you, and was being impatient with those saying to not even bother testing.
Scott7022 said:
Use the warning level indicator. I've never seen anyone above zero.

No one sees anyone elses' warning level except the person themselves - well except the mods!

So unless you're the one with the warning level, you'll never see anything but a zero!!
I've never heard of a "warning level", where would that show up?
If you look up at your own header on one of your posts, underneath 'Reputation' is 'Warning Level'.

As long as you have a 0% there you're doing fine. If you've been warned you'll know about it.   :D
Top right of your posts under "reputation" level.

Edit: D'oh! Beat me to it AT!
Ok easy fix. So, let everyone see the warning level. This way, when someone posts something obtuse we all can see if they are challenged in the intellect department, or just a troll. There was something to the scarlet letter mark, tribal shaming for bad behavior is used very effectively in African cultures.
Some people are simple or rendered simple because of stress and fear. Other people get bored and like to stir up crap. These trolls should be bounced as they destroy forums quickly. Simple people, either by effect or affect, should be nurtured and helped as per the Mission Statement for this forum. In addition, some people are simple when it comes to some subjects and giants in others and that it was makes a forum work. Someone helps me with a radio/coms issue and I help someone else with my skillset.
TMG51 said:
Some people are happier being spoken to nicely and getting the wrong answers with a smile.

They aren't incompatible concepts; being spoken to nicely and getting the right answers is a double bonus.
Scott;  At one time we had a "negative reputation" option.  A couple trolls completely abused it.  

Some things should not be done, and publicaly shaming someone that seriously needs some learning is one of them. Especially when one is depending on opinion instead of facts. The moderators babysitting job is not easy here, BUT ~~~  every member should be treated with respect BY EVERYONE in public.  I moderated political forums a lifetime ago.  I managed to keep the members mostly reasonable by use of PMing them.  I still have combatents from both sides as friends.  
At that time I was working on a Masters in Communication degree.  My first stroke ended that.  

I will state once again for the record.  Those that are wizards should be treated with respect, as knowlege and honest use of sources is key to a healthy community.

Read my signature.  It says it all.  Kingdoms fall when the brains behind te sucess become offended.
I totally agree GotSmart. Publicly shaming is not the way to go for someone that really is lacking. I was involved in a post like this on this forum. It took everything I had to hold my tongue as it can be a razor. The level of obtuse and attitude while asking for help was unbelievable. But, we were all respectful and that attitude carried the poster out of the thread. But for trolls public shame would identify them as trolls and they would get ignored. Trolls turn to rock in daylight or so the Norse story goes.
Putts said:
Top right of your posts under "reputation" level.
I guess that only shows up using a web browser. I don't see icons or sigs either. Never mind, NBD
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