Solution to knowing your dynamic IP Address

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Aug 4, 2019
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I have a DSL Account and use a RaspberryPi with a script i wrote that constantly checks my IP Address and when it checnges it emails me the new IP Address. If anyone has a need for something like this just ask I would be happy to help.
I don't even know what you said, so I guess I don't need help. LOL highdesertranger
I just got an account with to get a DNS name (domain name service) to connect to instead of having to put in a changing IP address.  There is a little program that runs as a service to keep my IP address (internet protocol) updated with their service.  My domain name stays the same and I can create a shortcut to it.  Much, much easier than chasing a changing IP address.  Actually, I have three addresses through them that I use for various things.

Edit to add what the acronyms stand for.
I'm glad you have a resolution I was only offering assistance to those that for whatever reason my need assistance

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whattttttttt lol nope, no idea what it is and I don't truly want to know...head in sand on this one :) nice you are offering for those who understand and need it, very cool
I'm so out of touch that I don't worry about who I'm in touch with! LOL!!!
If it's not embarrassing, which sites require knowing your IP address?
Your IP is available to their servers. I get ads for hot women in New Mexico. Then if the carrier rerouters my packets, switches somewhere else that I am not near.

I have issues with switching computer hardware.

My bank would freak out whenever I changed from my tower PC to my laptop for on the road. The site would ask me one of my security questions, and I would click on "I will be using this computer again." Then I could log in without fanfare, until I switched computers.

This time they keep disregarding my selection. Every time I log in.

My credit card issuer is easy, just answer the question and it's good until it changes.

Yes, thinking of ditching this bank, I think they want me gone. I don't generate any fee income and I keep just enough balance to pay currently due amounts.

Or they don't like and the relationship has reached the inevitable end point.
The only reason to know your IP address AFAIK is for getting to it remotely as in a server. I am running three different server applications and I can VPN (virtual private network) to the house when I need a secure connection if on public wifi, so 4 total applications. It is just a matter of port forwarding in the router to get there.