Solo Van Dweller

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May 27, 2015
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Freedom is probably the most amazing feeling you can have in life. No restrictions and nothing holding you back from doing what you want except for yourself. Finding motivation tends to be challenge to get up and do something. Once you finally go out and do the things you imagined yourself doing one day, you get that feeling like you are doing what your supposed to and fulfilling your purpose in life. No matter what it is that you want to do.

The only hard part about it is that after the day is over you fall asleep then wake up and the same challenge is in front of you. It's a constant battle of getting out and doing something in your life. Especially being a solo adventurer, but don't quit it is only going to make you a much stronger more independent person.

Also when you look back and say " yea i was a van dweller "you do not want to remember what the back of your van looked like you want to look back and think of all the amazing things you did that you could not have done living in a stationary house with all your money and thoughts going into living the conformed life style that the US implants into your head.

Being free is worth every hardship you encounter on your travels. Because at the end of the day who really wants to live a cruise control, auto pilot way of life. Mix it up and get out.

Van Dwelling can be the best thing that ever happened to you. Be strong and do the things you always wanted to do! Living without regrets or fears means dying without regrets or fears, Were all just visitors here, enjoy your time while your still breathing, because you can never go back. So get out of your Van do something and remember why you started
this in the first place!

Blue skies
Great advice.  With freedom and traveling solo comes an unexpected hitch hiker of responsibility to ones self.
To be successful living single anyone needs to make a bucket list of things that they always wanted to do if they
were unattached and had money enough to do whatever they wanted.   Then that can be broken down to daily list perhaps of 10 things before kicking back and relaxing.

No one plans to fail they just fail to plan.  Before setting out it would be wise to have some itinerary of places they intend to visit.  Call that an expedition if you like. The fine art of this is to find the right balance of meeting one's
list items and having time to find a place for the evening to settle into while prime places are still available.  Then
rise in the earlier morning when it is cool and good traveling time so they will be able to visit places when they are
open.  Otherwise if you are going to travel distances,  find a place to sleep through the day and get up in the later evening and roll with the truckers all night.

I would also suggest taking lots of photos and arranging them in scrap books. Thus, if the day comes when you are sitting infirm you will have your photos and memories of the great adventure of your life at hand to
show and tell with others.