I'm with ya there, Mike.
I like being prepared...food and all for emergencies and lean times, but all this prepping for nukes and zombies ain't my thing. I've chosen to live in an RV, for Pete's sake...where the hell am I going to store huge stocks and protect it. If zombies swarm me, I'm done for. If the big one goes boom, I'll be toast as well.
Say I survive, God help me, I'm kinda old and weigh in at 130, a skinny 6' weakling. How do I get by among the strong who will take everything by force including my skivvies??
I'm not going to spend the life I have left prepping for what may never happen in my lifetime, nor am I going to start covering things with mesh or waste my roll of foil on a corny hat...unless its for a party
Now, if prepping is your thing, go for it. If you wanna cage everything, go for it. If I see you coming with a foil hat, I'll prolly break out the bottle thinking we're gonna party hardy
Of course, we could all converge on Mike's camp in foil hats, get toasted, and taunt some aliens into mesh cages, and wake up the next day feeling and looking like zombies