Solar install on teardrop

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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2011
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<font class="Apple-style-span" face="Arial"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;">Currently, I have a van without a lot of room. &nbsp;I've considered getting a teardrop after giving vandwelling a few trial runs. &nbsp;</span></font>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp; Solar panels are available in a suitcase. Don't have to be installed and are transferable to any vehicle. Makes much more sense than installing on a roof.</P>
Everyone has their own reasons for the systems they choose..<br><br>The fold up solar panels I saw in Quartzite last February were cheap Chinese panels, It is true they can be moved from one place to another. Some have built in charge controllers.<br>&nbsp;I have done both, with panels mounted on the trailer, and panels that can be set, away from the trailer. ( making it possible to park under a tree and charge batteries)<br>&nbsp;<br>There is more to a solar charging system than panels, you also need a battery, charge controller, and in most cases an inverter to invert 12volt voltage to 110 volts.<br><br>In this case the customer (Mary) decided that having a panel mounted on the trailer&nbsp; more convenient than carrying folding solar panels in the Subaru, (taking up valuable space) needing to set up each time she stopped. With a mounted panel,&nbsp; the battery is being charged while on the move.<br><br>Putz<br><br><br><br>