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Mar 12, 2017
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[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I copied and pasted this from a sub-reddit of vandwelling. In the month since posting this, I've learned SO much about vandwelling and the such by the likes of Bob, and so many others. My first time on the forums and hope to gained even more knowledge so as to be better prepared for when my day comes.[/font]

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]"Guys, I think this is the first day in years that I've not stressed about what's going to happen next. I'm 10 years into a career with very fair pay, and excellent benefits. I have tons of time off. Most will want to stop me there and go "I wish I had x,y,z...", but it's not all roses. Everyone is on a different journey experiencing a different struggle. Mine is, I do not have a degree. While I'm more than 1/2 way done with mine, I don't have much time here w/ this company. I've already been "let go" 3 times in my 10 years, and have been thankful to be picked back up...but have to move to another state each time. I find myself scared to death about when this particular workgroup is going to get the axe. What if I am not offered a paid move, etc. There's no way I'll find a corporate job paying me what I make and giving me the benefits I have now..and that has caused near panic attacks.[/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I most, I have until around the end of next year AT MOST, before I get offered a severance (if they even offer one at that time...I've been offered 3 already with each reorganization), and that is when I'll have to already have this all planned out.[/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]My outstanding debt (2 loans) are set to be paid-off NTL Dec 19th 2018. At which point I'll have 0 debt and with savings.[/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]But this thought of breaking free...a semblance of hope (whether real or not) that I do have an option if this were to fall out from under me, has given me a chance to take a deep breath and no longer be (so) worried about what's going to happen next.[/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Aside from googling "living in a van" and reading this sub/r/, I'm not sure what my next steps are to be, if I really want to get the ball rolling and be in a position to pull the trigger on short notice.[/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]To all of you out there feeling the same way, you're not alone."[/font]
Hi Fortyandlifetogo. Best of luck to you on the rest of your journey. Sounds like you are making the best of it with what you have. Smart!
Welcome FortyandLifeToGo to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
gsfish said:
Do you have a vehicle? If so is it something that could be made livable? If not I would suggest that getting some sort of van would be good insurance in case of a sudden change in employment status.


Welcome to the forum

At this present time, I don't have a vehicle I could dwell in.  I have a lease that I'm nearly 1/2 way through, but it's a car. My HOPE is...if my employment status changes, it will do so at the end of my lease (12/18), that way I could then get something conversionable (that's a new word) and should something happen after, I'd be good to go.

I'm stuck between a cargo van like Bob (and many others), a Kia Sedona (minivan), and ever since seeing the girl he interviewed with the transit connect...I'm still nowhere near decided.

Ideally I would like a truck w/ trailer so that if the truck needed repairs, I would still have a "home". Budget wise, it makes more sense to go the van (whichever genre) route.  I'm working diligently on creating passive income now, so I can be sustainable if/when this should all come to a head.
Welcome to the CRVL Forums   :) 

Yes,  I've lived this life in the past.  Where I was in college with an old Van that I fixed up as a week end camper and day trip ship (to go job hunting constantly)  I got used to the Van life early.   At the time I had a small motor boat to drag to the lake on the week ends but sold it later.  Found a deal on a small economy car and found a used tow bar I could pull it behind the Van with.

It was a saving grace for me later when I started my Corporate career.   I worked as a Designer. 

Being in Design I was aware of what other Design people were doing and solutions they evolved to
take care of their needs.   One of the best was a couple of books titled,  Nomadic Furniture.  At the time
it was written those "air beds" hadn't hit the market.  But lugging along a bed was one of the biggest issues.
The furniture the books showcased was stuff that folded up, knocked down, stored in a small place, and could
be set up or taken down and moved quickly.  Plastic boxes were around as were milk crates.  So I made extensive use of these.  The Van could be packed full of apartment needs and the econo car behind it could have the air bed,  kitchen and bathroom stuff.  When I'd arrive at a new destination,  I would unhitch the car and set up the bathroom, bedroom, and kitchen and be ready to drive the car to work the next morning.  That night after work I'd unpack the Van and get everything to set up in the apartment.  This is how "I" lived
the life you have now. 

Since then I've created a couple websites below to show how to set up a basic Van...and the other a portal of useful info to use for planning a journey or to use while on a journey.   In my Corporate days I wasn't on the road in a leisurely manner.  It was more of a race from point to point to relocate over a week end.  I was young, single, with energy and resourcefulness beyond my creative mind.  (and I realized if anything was to be it would be up to me)

Nomadic Furniture:

I set my Van up simple so I could remove everything from it and convert it back to a Cargo Van to use in my work.  I could usually rent a small storage facility 6X8 for cheap, to stow the Camping interior in when not using it.  Thus I had the car for commuting to work and the Van if called on to use it at work.  Made me a bit more valuable to my employer at work.  My being able to move quickly (over a week end) and report to work at another facility helped me advance in my career too.

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