Size Doesn't Matter

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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2017
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CO at the moment
I watch a lot of YouTube videos and love getting to "know" some of those out there I'll likely run into some day.  Something struck me about a few of the comments and it has kind of been there for a few weeks and I thought worth bringing up.

I've been camping since I was a child.  When I was 17 I kept a check off list and a packed box in my closet ready for Friday night so I could take off for the river at a moment's notice.  My dream since then was to someday not have to pack up Sunday afternoon to be at work Monday morning and keep going until I wanted to stop.  So I've been thinking along those lines for 50 years now and soon, a year or so, we will be off because thank goodness my husband has always thought the same.

I've always said campers are the friendliest people and I'd rather have them as my neighbors then those who stay in their houses and hide.

So, because we have been planning this for so long as well as because we are long time campers, we do have a lot of stuff and likely will end up with a larger vehicle/trailer than those who live in their cars .  I don't see anything wrong with that.  I would hope someone would not look down on me for having more space and more things any more than I would look down on them for having less.  When I see rigs way larger and more expensive than mine I think how awesome for them, it's not for me but I don't make judgements.  Same with folks in cars or tents.  

Some people are introverts, extroverts, etc.  Me, I like to bring my "stuff."  I get bored, I love nature but sometimes I like things to do.  When I was in my early 20's I had people coming by my campsite as word got around about how much this young single mom packed into that little Honda car!  I had a folding bench, tent, pool for my baby, toys for her, air compresser and tubes for the river and who knows what else.  But I was happy.  Of course I knew not about cargo carry weight capacity at the time.  If it fits I can take it.  At that same campground I would lend hammer, spices, can openers, tools, etc. if someone needed them.  You should see my check off list.  Trust me, downsizing has become a full time project.

In all my years I never heard someone complain about what size another's rig was or what they did or did not bring, the exception being if it was too much alcohol, tempers, music, etc. but not stuff.  As long as you are respectful and keep a clean camp is what matters.  

Remember, the "R" in "RV" means recreation.  Toys are acceptable.  Comfort is acceptable.  Minimalist living is acceptable.  Of all the places most of the population doesn't care what you do or do not have it would be those in the campgrounds.  The very best people are drawn to nature.  

Hope to see you on the road ....
RoadtripsAndCampfires said:
In all my years I never heard someone complain about what size another's rig was or what they did or did not bring

You must not have known any ultralight backpackers.   :p
Well put, Christine. Regarding the RV, going as small as you can comfortably can be beneficial. Not saying going small is the goal above all else, primarily because of storage limitations, but finding that happy place regarding size & mobility may bring more location opportunities. Happy Trails!
rm.w/aview said:
Well put, Christine. Regarding the RV, going as small as you can comfortably can be beneficial. Not saying going small is the goal above all else, primarily because of storage limitations, but finding that happy place regarding size & mobility may bring more location opportunities. Happy Trails!

Thanks!  Agreed.  We've owned pickup + shell, that + small trailer, SUV + folding A-frame Chalet, Small Winnie, and 2 class B's.  We with with 19 ft truck because we wanted 4x4 and plenty of power for our 2-year trip.  The trailers we have looked at have been the 15 to 25 foot range.  We will likely go about 22 feet.  Still long but I think this is the smallest that we will be happy with in the winter months.
We also are almost to that point with a sorta 24' trailer/car hauler. We will travel with this in the winter and live summers in a stationary 28' motor home.
RoadtripsAndCampfires said:
So, because we have been planning this for so long as well as because we are long time campers, we do have a lot of stuff and likely will end up with a larger vehicle/trailer than those who live in their cars .  I don't see anything wrong with that. 

People living in cars are people living in cars, it sounded like you were going to go camping.. This is YOUR life, don't worry about those people who like less or those who like big-bright-shiney-new, they are living THEIR life.

I don't watch many videos, I'm on the road & my bandwidth is limited. I like a couple of good paragraphs and some pictures, that takes care of most everything.  
Most everything but not all,  opening my laptop to fix the power inlet was done with me watching a 6 min youtube video!

Since I've been on the road (Nov 2012) I've found my biggest problem is too much stuff. I still have a hard time with that.
Good luck.
Thanks for the comments.  We will do camping in forests and state parks and on BLM as well.  We would like to connect with some of the "tribe" out there at different times.  We will likely boondock but get hookups every 7 to 10 days except when we are honkered down for the winter and we are not yet sure how we want to plan that part yet.
If you've watched any of the videos of the RTRs or Bob's interview videos you'll see people happily living in all sizes and types of vehicles. Everyone is welcome here on the forums and at the gatherings. :)
I know, all kinds and that's part of the fun of watching. The comment came from a "tribe member" on video and I just think this kind of thing should be poo-poo'd at the start. One of the things I love about the CAMPGROUNDS THAT WE GO TO is that there is no "class" no I'm better than you or I think you should do that cause that's how I do it. There are places like that of course but they are more likely geared towards a higher income higher class of rig yet I bet at least half of those people don't have attitudes they are just happy to have what they have and be where they are.

I like the idea that maybe I'll have that thing you need to fix your thing-a-ma-jig because I had extra room to carry it and you didn't and left it behind. I'd be happy to help. That's the attitude of campers I've come to know in the 57 years this 67 year old has been camping.

Anything just about we want to do there is a place we can do it if we can get there. My hiking days are sadly over but backpackers can take almost nothing and find the best treasures and they are away from rigs, people and toys. But I find my quiet places, at least after 10 p.m. sometimes but find them.
It is my belief that the people who write derogatory comments on the video sites are not really part of any van dwelling group and are trolling. Best to just ignore them. :-D
In my experience the people that travel or live in vans, cars, RV's, etc... are people cut from the same cloth. Traveling or living like this isn't for everyone but every time I meet a fellow traveler it has never much come to my mind what kind of vehicle they drive. People out on the road seem to be an easy going and easy to get to know type of personality.

I don't think I've ever come across anyone traveling where I met them and walked away thinking something negative. I do love to see how other people travel. From small cars to class A's or travel trailers. Everyone does it a little different and I'm always interested to meet new people on the road.
RoadtripsAndCampfires said:
The comment came from a "tribe member" on video and I just think this kind of thing should be poo-poo'd at the start.  One of the things I love about the CAMPGROUNDS THAT WE GO TO is that there is no "class" no I'm better than you or I think you should do that cause that's how I do it. 

Why are you worried about one idiot online who may or may not be a real person or part of the tribe? Why not focus on the dozens you've met irl or on here who are decent people?
deadwood said:
In my experience the people that travel or live in vans, cars, RV's, etc... are people cut from the same cloth. Traveling or living like this isn't for everyone but every time I meet a fellow traveler it has never much come to my mind what kind of vehicle they drive. People out on the road seem to be an easy going and easy to get to know type of personality.

I don't think I've ever come across anyone traveling where I met them and walked away thinking something negative. I do love to see how other people travel. From small cars to class A's or travel trailers. Everyone does it a little different and I'm always interested to meet new people on the road.

Well said.  This has always been our experience.
^ X2 ^ After seeing this I tried to remember a negative encounter and could not. What I did get was a flood of pleasant memories of fine people that I haven't thought of in a long time, so thanks for that :)
Size matters but it's your choice. A 20 foot RV can fit in %98 of national parks, but a 41 footer can only fit in %7

Just this weekend I had a sales guy who was more than eager to show me a $300k Renegade RV on a freightliner chassis-- it was very nice, but too big for me..... and then go cold when I wanted to see the RV I actually had wanted to see (the Renegade Vienna)    A bad case of selective hearing on his part..... means he won't get the sale, even if I did buy a Vienna.   The difference between a Vienna and a Verona is %86 of the national parks!!! (Vienna can fit in %93, Verona, just %7!)

How much size matters, though, is hard to tell when you're not on the road.  If I go up to 30 feet, how much will that hurt me?  Those five feet cut out %10 of the national parks!  But the impact on BLM is probably a lot less and who knows about state parks.
You are so right. We are trying to figure out if a 19' truck plus a 22 foot trailer (total length) will be a good choice. This is the smallest well-built dual axle we can find and we will be living in it for at least 2 years. We are still looking but that's the choice so far after 4 years of trailer looking. We like to camp in forests as well as everywhere else. I know it puts us out of many of the BLMs probably but not all - we would need to do some research. Obviously stealth camping is out LOL.

Watching the YouTube videos is great if the subject tells you where they are and if there are or are not places to turn around for a truck/trailer with a 41 foot total length. I know when we camp we can always disconnect the trailer and truck from each other so we will fit in the shorter spurs and hopefully there is a place to park the truck real close to it. But I would like more input. (#5 - Need Input!!!) as that would help otherwise most of the BLM videos are not all that helpful to us because we need to know if we can even get here. And if we go with the single axle due to cost - we will only be a foot shorter as we have one of those picked out as well.

We went to the Denver RV show a couple weeks ago and we are looking forward to the spring show.

We want to be able to fill the tanks to drive to places with no water so we need the CCC to be able to do that which is why we are looking at dual axle as it gives 3 x the amount of cargo carry capacity.
We've yet to find a place that was too small to put truck & trailer what measures 21' & 21'. The overhang out back has been helpful in some areas, especially when used with jack pads to gain a little height enabling the tires to go into the area further. Fresh water/gray/black tanks @ 45 gallon each keeps us out till we run out of food :)
This is part of why I picked a van, I wanted to do a skoolie at first but decided on the van route for many reasons. A friend of mine went the skoolie route and ran into tons of problems especially where to keep it. I park wherever and haven't really been bothered :) after doing my bit of traveling i'm very glad I can squeeze into a normal parking space.
Yes, I love our Class B.  But with 2 adults and 2 50-lb dogs we are going to go up to a trailer because this roadtrip will be at least 2 years long, probably longer.

I'm glad to hear from a 21 footer that I don't need to worry so much so I really appreciate this thread and the replies.

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