show to hide door and window?

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Active member
Sep 9, 2019
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how can I make it more stealthy?
I would like to cover the window and the door.
thank you guys for your input 



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I am probably not the right person to answer this because I think stealth is a fallacy. but I would paint it white that black stands out like a PETA protester at a Rodeo. just a thought. highdesertranger
Okay just for fun a solid white box no doors or windows, a hidden pass through from the cab or a floor hatch in the box and a hidden camera with an interior monitor where the window was. I always thought a sewage pumper tank truck with a sleeping compartment built in the tank would work.
Stealth to me means hiding in plain sight. IE blend in like you belong there.

Flat black isn't blending unless it's a solar eclipse and then only for a few...
so I'd go with all white and some type of official numbers stuck on the cab. Ref an alpha/numeric string stuck to the bottom of the cab door, like


Stands for/means nothing but maybe..... and in this day who's to say it isn't... a calibration
service for kelp density along intracoastal waterways er something. :D
HDR hits the nail on the head, again. Biggest non-stealth feature of that vehicle is the color. Ditch the flat black (or primer gray, or whatever it is) and change it to white all around. The little window on the side will not even be noticed!

Just my opinion . . .

"... that black stands out like a PETA protester at a Rodeo."

LoL, now that's a good one, chuckle, I'll have to remeber that one for sure.  :thumbsup:
HDR is right about the color, as white vans fit in more easily, but gets -1 for discrimination. Bull abuse is rampant in the west. For sooth.
That black makes it look like it is some scumbag running a meth lab in there. That is not stealthy looking, it is a cop magnet and a theft magnet as well. A moving van is far more stealthy looking that a black primered box truck. At least it looks like it belongs in a city street scape.
There's nothing more stealthy than a white box truck parked in an industrial complex full of warehouses. You blend in like cotton candy at a carnival.
White for sure and a company name along the side. That's what I do. Apart from matt black absorbing the heat, it must be bl**dy hot in there.
if you register as a business vehicle you now get the scrutiny of the commercial LEO's. most states have a permit system for commercial vehicles so you must deal with that. states like Arizona have commercial vehicle check points at their borders to make sure you are in compliance, you must stop. also you must stop at weigh stations.

also you better check about trying to have a business taking pictures of National Parks, National parks, etc. if you are doing this as a for profit business there is a whole new set of rules, permits and fees.

there is a huge difference from being Joe Tourist to a commercial enterprise. for instance commercial vehicles are not even allowed in National Parks, National Monuments, National Recreation Areas, etc. the only way in is if you have business in the Park, which you better have proof of.

I feel like I'm piling on here, and for that, I apologize.  

After I had been on the road for [font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]about 2 months, I was able to drive through a parking lot and pick out vehicles people were living in.  [/font]
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]I'm not saying I'm always right.   [/font]

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]I'm sure that any LEO with any experience can do the same.  So, again, I agree with HDR.  [/font]

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Pat [/font]
I find this subject quite amazing from someone who lives on the other side of the Pacific, here no one could care less if you live on the road with or without signwriting running a make believe business or not.
Commercial registration is only for large trucks anything under 6 tons doesn't even get looked at by officials let alone local neibourhoods.
Our weighbridge checking stations are usually only for 9 tons and over which doesn't include converted trucks or buses of any kind.

As HDR has said depends on what you want to call "stealth" sometimes hiding in plain sight is all it takes.
rokguy said:
I find this subject quite amazing from someone who lives on the other side of the Pacific, 
Sometimes we all wish we lived in Oz.
You're all welcome here anytime. With only 26 million people and a land area the same size of the US. Plenty of places to disappear to.
Yes, Stealth is easy compared to funnel web spiders some states have. Sorry just an observation, I won't deviate again. back on topic.
Even outside side windows can be disguised with the perforated window wrap material coverings used on bus etc. colour matched to the outside + you can still see out.
Yes its good stuff, I'm in the process of using it myself as summer is almost here but I'll use Ford Stark white which matches the outside alloy sheet.
Never liked window tint seems to get hot and peel even professional done.
Putting a business sticker on your vehicle. Now there is an interesting twist to that concept. You don't have to be a business to do that, there are companies that will pay you money to drive around with a magnetic sign or vinyl wrap advertising their business. The magnetic sign is good because it can be taken off easily if you do want to go into a national park where business vehicles are not allowed.

So if you are doing van dwelling in a particular area much of the time and you have a high mileage vehicle meaning you drive around a lot, you can earn some extra income. But I would avoid any advertising that looks as if there might be expensive tools or items store inside.
maki2 said:
 The magnetic sign is good because it can be taken off easily if you do want to go into a national park where business vehicles are not allowed.
It's illegal to drive a business vehicle in a national park there ? Yeah magnetics signs work great, when I first started I advertised a mail forwarding business for full timers to use. It worked well for both me and them.
So are they checking registrations on vehicles going in and out of the parks now?