Should I sell my car?

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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2016
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I've been traveling around in my conversion van for awhile now. I had belongings stored at 5 different locations. Each time I found myself in CT I made a point to sell/ditch stuff. I've been in CT for three weeks now and it's been very productive. My biggest problem is what to do with my car.

I had been driving on private land since I was 12. I didn't actually get my licence until I was 17 since I thought it was kind of dumb that I'd already been driving for 5 years and "now" I had to take driving courses and have a learner's permit. Anyway, I didn't have my own car until I turned 21 when I bought myself a brand new 2002 Ford Mustang GT.  It's been through a lot with me, including an apartment fire where I literally lost everything I own except for the mustang and the clothes on my back.  No, I didn't have renters insurance, so I lost everything.

Anyway, I love the car. Always have, always will. It still runs great. Only has 99k miles. It has a little body damage from where a deer decided to headbutt the side, but it still looks great. My van is a 1999 Ford E250 with over 230k miles now.  Knowing that I have a stable car stashed away for eventual van-death is great imho.  I did try selling it once about two years ago and the best offer I received was for $3500. 

The biggest problem is that this next trip will be a big one and if it all works out I'll be gone for 10+ months. That's another year of my mustang just sitting. Other than sporadic driving by my uncle to keep everything lubed, it hasn't really been driven much over the last 5-7 years. My Aunt and uncle swear that it's no problem and I can store it here forever, but I'm not sure when is the right time to finally let go.

What're your thoughts?
Thanks, Scott
Obviously, I wouldn't dream of telling you what you *should do... But... If you can store for free and it's being taken care of and you can afford to continue paying for insurance, why let it go? Also, should your van die, you could reevaluate selling the car then to help buy a new van... I love mustangs, though, so my opinion is biased!
The reason I posted it here instead of the van forum is because when my van finally dies, I was thinking of staying in the mustang for awhile. I'm a bare-bones, minimalist guy. No solar, house batteries, fridge, etc. With the van only getting 16mpg, my mustang is looking pretty good at 22mpg. I've also slept in it quite a bit on long trips.

I don't live in my van, I live out of it. It's basically the same concept I'd take with the mustang
As the Buddhists say, attachment to material things holds us back.

Before I hit the road I sold or gave away a dozen one-of-a kind pieces of art by internationally respected artists. I parted out a motorcycle I had rebuilt from the ground up. I loved that art and motorcycle at least as much as you love your Mustang. But if I had tried to hold onto that stuff I couldn't be living the life of freedom I have now. The things I've seen are more beautiful than that art. The things I've experienced are better than riding that motorcycle. Let the past go so you can grow forward.
You shouldn't take advice on this.....what do YOU want to do with it??
My thoughts?

Sell the van AND the mustang and buy something in between, and maybe with fewer miles and newer, like a minivan or transit connect, that gets decent mileage, and has actual room to lay down and sleep.

Take pictures, grieve a little.

But move forward.
This may or may not be helpful to you...

About 9 years ago, I was in a similar situation. I had a sweet 91 Mustang GT with some real nice upgrades that I felt the same way about. I also had a dear friend whose brother was in need of a vehicle. I ended up giving my buddys brother an insanely great deal on the car which he ended up getting rid of about a year later anyway, after he blew the tranny........Long story short, I always regretted getting rid of that car, especially since I could have kept it at my Dad's place, he didn't care....    I'd consider keeping the Stang. They are always a very fun toy to have on hand for occasional cruises. Plus, If you found yourself in a bad enough spot, the car could be sold then to finance an emergency, or whatever.   In all reality, you can't make a wrong or bad decision in this case. I can see benefits in not having as many possessions as well!


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The van, mustang, and the stuff (tent, sleeping bag, Coleman stove, etc) that travel with me are all of my possessions. Even the stuff that I've previously kept at relatives' houses were valuables that I was selling, not personal items. If I needed the money, I'd sell the car in a heartbeat. So while I am "attached" to it. Everything has a price, even my only unnecessary possession. I was just weighing the pros/cons on keep vs sell. It can't really devalue any more than it has already

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