Shelves- I need to put shelves in my Skoolie and don’t know how/what or where to begi

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Jun 15, 2019
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Can someone please tell me how to attach shelves in my Skoolie?  Thx, Eileen
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Installing shelves in any vehicle comes down to basic structure. You have to find some part of your vehicle that will support the amount of weight you want to add to the shelf. I installed shelves in my van. I secured a 1 x 3 board to the metal frame, then used the board to attach and support my shelves. The shelves in your vehicle will not look like a shelf you mount in your home, it will look more like a cabinet in your kitchen. The hardest part is getting it level and finding a way to secure things on the shelf so they won't roll off when your traveling.
Thx, Tony, I was sent a link by someone that shows a pretty good example of what I feel will suffice my needs. I am in south Mississippi and was hoping to find someone nearby to supervise the project. I’m pretty independent and don’t mind getting my hands dirty. If you can assist from. Many blessings for your advice.

Eileen \
In my skoolie I have a bench along ea wall: 15in tall x 6ft long x 28in wide. I didn't feel like removing them as they are gaucho beds the
previous owner built in.

On top of the benches, I placed 2 metal pole & wire rack shelving units (54in Hx 36in W x 14in D). I had them already, but can be bought @ Wally world or Lowe's for about $50/ea.

I braced the forward pair of top shelves w/a 2x4 next to the side poles + L-brackets against the lips of the shelves (so they can't tip). Across the 2x4s, I placed a hammock which stores a ton of yarns. Since I'm not tall, I can walk under w/o ducking :cool:

The rear pair of units is braced by my bed platform.

I see Ur in S MS - I graduated HS in Vicksburg & still have family in Purvis. Small world.
YouTube is your friend. A video on building a French Cleat system.
Men who have shops as clean and organized as that ought to be taken out and executed immediately
Do you reckon he has another shop next door he actually works in?

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