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Oct 6, 2022
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Rochester ny
Hi I need to get out of my life as it is
I’m nervous
I have a camper a truck
How much should I have in savings to leave this life
And how to I make income
Thank you
I am not sure I understand. Do you have a truck camper? A truck and a pull camper? Or a truck with a camper shell on it?

Also another question! Have you ever gone camping? Do you have camping gear? Because living in a vehicle of any kind is a form of camping. For instance a camp stove, with kitchen supplies? A way to have a dedicated bed? Containers to carry water? That’s just the basics, I bet you have most of that stuff in the home where you live if not good will and thrift shops are a great place to look.

And your other questions I am not sure about, I am lucky and do not need to work at this time but there are tons of threads giving advice about how to make money while on the road. And your emergency fund depends on the age of your vehicle. I have read many who suggest 5 thousand for emergency repairs. But my goal was I researched my vehicle/ age and the cost of tires, batteries, transmission replacement, brakes etc. i also make in a point that I add to that emergency fund every month. Without fail.
Remember an emergency breakdown may mean your vehicle will be in the shop for several days waiting on parts. So part of my fund is 1k set aside for hotels if I need it. Just be strong and don’t use the emergency fund for anything other than repairs or upkeep ( tags, etc)
Let us know how you go about getting on the road!’
Thanks for responding
I have a 2019 f350 diesel
And a 1979 tow behind camper
I’m going to get rid of the 2019 because it’s $900 a month
And tow with my 1977 f250
Welcome to the forum...

I'd want a $5000 debit card (or that in credit cards) for a 1977 tow vehicle.

A motor or transmission repair could eat up that amount real fast.

I don't recommend credit cards ever, but in an emergency they are better than nothing.
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Check out for seasonal jobs. The caravans are just starting up so look at those threads. Welcome!
Hi I need to get out of my life as it is
I’m nervous
I have a camper a truck
How much should I have in savings to leave this life
And how to I make income
Thank you
Go to the YouTube channel cheaprvliving. That is the channel started by a man named Bob Wells. He has videos that answer the questions you just asked about how much savings and how to make income. Bob Wells is also the person who began this forum although he recently sold it to someone else.

This January you can attend seminars in person at the RTR in Quartzsite Arizona. The RTR is also explained in the videos on the cheaprvliving YouTube channel. Those seminars cover most aspects of this lifestyle. They are intended for persons such as yourself who are wondering how it all works and have not yet developed resources or connections with others who are living this type of life. Everything you are asking about will be taught at those seminars.
You have made the first and most important decision. You have stopped waffling and are ready to DO THIS. I made this choice back in June of 2020... I had naively planned on being on the road that Dec ( bwaahaahhh on me) As it turned out I managed to head out this past January. *If* you can grit your teeth and hold out a bit longer, it will give you time to dig deeply into the lifestyle before you head out and have to learn things the hard way. Read as many posts here as you can. Watch Bob's starter videos. Watch everyone's videos that are starting out and learn from the experiences of others..... Understand that there are channels promoting this lifestyle that do not have budget money issues, so be wary of the Rose Colored Glasses effect they can have on the impression they may put out there.... Bob says, "Have a $5k emergency fund"...

I am cheating in a way, as I filed for SS at 62, so I get a check once a month I have to live within, but I *do* get that check and it is way more than many out here have to live on.... It sounds like you *will* need to be working to "get by", and that is a rabbit hole I have not gone down... but many others have.... use the search here... there are lots of ways to earn some cash.. camp hosting, seasonal crop harvests, remote cust service..

good luck... ask lots of questions, but search for answers first ...
In case it helps------ When I am afraid, I arm myself against the fear with information. Information is power in any situation. Fortunately there is an abundance of information out there on this topic. I recommend watching all the YouTube videos you can about how to set up a vehicle for living, by Bob and by others as well. There are so many ways to do things that it's important to find what looks best to you and fits your needs and budget. There's no rule on how much money you need to do this. You can get almost everything you need for free or cheap depending on where you live and what resources there are like Freecycle or Craig's List or thrift stores.

If you spend a month or so watching as many videos as you can and asking any questions you still have to people in this forum, you may lose the fear. At the least you will feel more prepared and confident, and I suspect it is not feeling confident that is at the root of the fear. Once you get on the road you will find a lot of people who will help you out in many different ways. Far more people want to help than to hurt.
I wish you the best of luck!