Scam on Craigslist, while trying to buy rv

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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2015
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North East USA
:mad: I have been searching for over a year trying to find a van or a small rv to purchase.  Stumbled on a scam on Craigslist today.  Yesterday I saw an add with one picture of a small rv with little info but price I could afford.  I emailed with a bunch of questions and asking for more pictures.  I received a sad story, death in family, yada... with alot of pictures, but all the right stuff, had been always stored inside, perfect condition, had all the features I asked about.   Now saying person selling had sold home after family death and rv was located in an ajoining state with relative.  Only seller travels for work so wasn't available to meet buyer.  Sent back another email asking few more questions and saying I would not buy rv sight-unseen. Could someone show it to me?  Got email back saying it was in Amazon's hands and they had it locked up and had the keys.  Amazon would be holding my money and arrange for rv to be shipped to me, then I had 10 days to change my mind.  If I didn't wish to keep it  Amazon would refund my money in 24 hours and seller would pay for rv to be returned to them.  I just needed to send my name, address and phone number to the seller and they would notify Amazon.     This all sounded way too good to be true so I googled an article that was close to identical to what I had been told by the seller.  Only that person hadn't had a death, instead they were being deployed to war and needed to sell it so Amazon (other stories said ebay) would handle the sale and money and buyer would be protected.  What a ripe off.  How can thieves be out there pulling this scam and get away with it.   I tried to notify craigslist of the suspected scam but couldn't figure out how to do that.. all around bad experiences trying to locate either a van or small rv to buy.  
I am so tried of looking and getting frustrated with the liar's and criminals out there..... :(
There is a button in the upper left of each posting that says FLAG.  

Things to indicate a scam.  

1 picture, (right click on it and do a google search)

Always perfect condition

sob story

way below market value


Are you starting to get te idea?   :dodgy:
I just went thru the same thing. I'm so sick of looking I'm considering new!! That's desperate!

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Yeah, that is a scam. Amazon does have a payment system, but the scams involve something like "" which is not Amazon.

Legitimate payment services would never use gift cards as a payment mechanism.

"Too good to be true" is exactly that.
I routinely report the scams since I have a pretty good idea what the market value is of most listings. I am RV obsessed though. I do not understand how people can be so cruel to others to do those kinds of things.
Selling a car in Craig's list. Had at least five different scam calls all saying the same military sob story. They are being deployed and want to buy the car. They will wire the money. And a shipper will show up for the car.

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Just drive around the countryside and keep an eye out for for sale signs on rigs, the rig is there and so is the owner.
I got the same putting my Scooter on CL 'deployed will wire money'
Scammers and Crooks are always on the prow with the coming of the Holiday Season.  They know people are looking to buy things for their kids or family and usually have money saved up from the year to use during this time.   With vehicles it is deceptive cause a lot of people are selling vehicles outright so they can go buy a new year model and avoid the "trade in dance" with the salesman. 

Just bear this in mind at this time of year and be cautious.
Another scam!  The same day I wrote to the seller in my original post here, I also wrote to another seller about a used motorhome.  Finally today I got an email back, the seller only answered one of my questions but shared a lot of other info and pictures.  Things like soldier being deployed for 2 years, another (higher ranking) soldier is handling the sale and will ship it for the seller (didn't share that persons name of course), oh it's 3/4 of the way across the country from where it was posted for sale. And a friend and a sibling are helping him to sell it (of course he needs a fast sale and reliable buyer). And he sent about 25 pictures, only scammer goofed and sent pictures of totally wrong type of vehicle, not a rv or camper at all.
Are most of the rv's for sale on Craigslist nothing but scams?????   

I am so ready to give up.  I do look around whenever I go anyplace but never see a small rv or van for sale.  (have seen couple of vans but with huge miles and a ton of rust). I can't afford new.
I have written to the new President elect suggesting that the NSA be tasked with tracking these bastards down.  Then Navy Seal Death Squads would be dispatched to either kill them, or drag their sorry asses back to CIA black sites for "enhanced" interrogation.  Not that there's anything useful they can tell us, it's just that people like that DESERVE torture enhanced interrogation!

Whats that, Dear?  You found my medication?  I forgot to take it again?

Sorry, a little distraction there.  Where were we?

Anyway, seriously have you tried searching on Ebay for what you are looking for?  You won't find any clever schemes involving post-dated checks drawn on the Royal Bank of Nigeria there.  Ebay even has an interesting buyer protection plan on vehicles.
ColdBrook said:
I am so ready to give up.  I do look around whenever I go anyplace but never see a small rv or van for sale.  (have seen couple of vans but with huge miles and a ton of rust). I can't afford new.

ColdBrook, have you traveled the "back roads" instead of closer to the interstates?
We have found a lot of good deals on the back roads, and we always choose to go back roads instead of on the interstates, just to see what is for sale, and if we may "need" it. lol

Good luck tho as it is hard to find exactly what you want, in your searches but I am sure you will find it, keep looking!!

Oh, and don't give up on CL,  but.... if it sounds like too good to be true, it usually is, not always, but usually.
These criminals prey on people through many means, Craig's List being just one. And the Holiday period seems to bring more of them out of the woodwork.
I just got an e-mail saying I have "10.5 million dollars" awaiting me, all they need is my personal and financial info! Whoohoo, I'm RICH! Uh..... wait.....
There are a few Youtube channels of people baiting and harassing scammers - everything from the phony Microsoft tech support scams to monkey and puppy sales and house rentals. It's entertaining as heck to watch. The phony tech call centers (mostly Indian) are a bit more convincing that the rental and pet sales calls, which are always Nigerian, Ghanian or Camaroon are so ridicuous that I'm amazed anyone falls for them. Guys who barely speak English who sound like they're sitting on the sidewalk conducting business. There are almost always scam RV sales on my local CL - you can spot them at a glance. Apart from the price they usually say "Text me" right on the photo.
I was getting the calls from microsoft about the attacks on my "windows computer".  I decided to see how long I could keep the guy on the phone, it was more than 30 minutes!  Ha ha!
I have been looking for a pup lately. It's not only craigslist, but fake sites that are being set up. It's really easy to get discouraged. You don't know who you can trust anymore.

Gypsysoul said:
I have been looking for a pup lately. It's not only craigslist, but fake sites that are being set up. It's really easy to get discouraged. You don't know who you can trust anymore.


If you mean puppy, the local animal shelters have your pick of healthy critters of all breeds.  They need forever homes.
Someone listed a 2003 airstream Bambi in perfect condition for 3000 bucks what a joke.
GotSmart said:
If you mean puppy, the local animal shelters have your pick of healthy critters of all breeds.  They need forever homes.

I am allergic to dogs, but I love them so. I wish I could go in and get a shelter pup, but I cannot due to allergies. I have to have a dog that is close to hypoallergenic as it can be. I am looking for a yorkie because they have hair and not fur.