Sanity Check Please - Are my batteries dead?

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You might consider a small propane fueled inverter generator for emergency use or bulk charging of your batteries or cloudy days when solar can't keep up. The new batteries won't last long if they are not fully charged daily unless they are lithium which will shut down if they have a low voltage cut off in the Battery Management System. Your original problem could have been caused by not a large enough system for the demand. A generator could help with that as well and maintain your batteries until you can enlarge or trouble shoot your system. You might find a cheap used one as people tend to only use them until they learn how much power they need and get a large enough solar system.
I agree with bullfrog. But also I think your problem was initially caused by over taxing the "battery A" I spoke about, then moving the charger leads to their proper position at opposite ends of the bank.

I think that's still what was going on. Inadequate charge on 2 batteries that still have battle scars. And always will most likely. But I dont think they're dead dead.

The one registering 12.9 volts I'd bet my last dime was battery "B" in the original install. The middle one.

Let them both rest for 24hrs if possible. No loads. Test again. I'd wager 12.6 and 12.8 respectfully.

If below 12.6 or so I'd say to charge them again.

If you get the same result again then ride them into the ground and replace them. And get a generator. And do an energy audit.
Hopeful update:

After letting both batteries sit unhooked for 48 hours, they both still read 12.9 and 13.0. Monday came and I had to work so I reinstalled them, readings immediately went to 12.5 when load was applied (laptop charger and fridge, about 5a total), but over the next hour rose to 12.7.

It was cloudy all day, so daytime readings measured between 12.9 and 13.6 while the sun was up. Figured they were probably toasted so they weren't taking a full charge.

The sun just came out and the reading rose from 13.6 to 14.4, it's been sitting at 14.4 for the last 10 minutes.

Fingers crossed that this is going to do it, but I've got my finger on the lithium trigger.

Regarding generator, while it may solve these problems I'm very much not interested in having one, would sooner invest in a plug-in charger and hit campgrounds every so often as needed (or poach elec with an extension cord lol).

I will be researching which solar panels are already up there and installing a 4th, for a total of 400w. There used to be 4 up there but the previous owner ran into som ehail damage and had to take it out, so the mounting brackets are already installed.

Thanks again for all the help!

Thanks again for all the help.
Hope everything works out, sometimes it just takes a little "experimenting" Lol!!!

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