Sabotaged engine :(

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Well-known member
May 12, 2018
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[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]So I was FINALLY done with my rig everything mechanical checked, all fluids full. It drove great for a few miles and then lost power, and locked up on me. I had great oil pressure(30 PSI) for such a old engine...351w. Temp was 190 like it should of been....[/font]
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]I go to change the oil.....specs of sand come out, not metal ate up all the bearings I think. I haven't got the oil pan off yet but I'm freaking out you guys. I know somebody sabotaged my rig but I cant see who since they also broke in and deleted all the night footage off my DVR. I have an idea of who it might of been, and I think its his responsibility because it was parked at his parking lot that I paid to have a secure space at. What do you guys think? Its a gated complex it was in. I'm also in PA fyi. [/font]
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Now I really am confused as to what to do from here. I know the motor needs to come out and I have a 300 i6 to rebuild and most of the parts needed to do so. I and my partner have NO one who can help us here....and I am just getting weak even thinking about it. I want to cry. What should I do? I cant keep paying for this hotel room...and I haven't anywhere else :mad: :mad: I cant believe someone would destroy a sick persons stuff who did nothing to them....being 33, with MS is like being 50 as a not sick person basically. [/font]
What should I give em though? The sd card from my DVR? Would they find it strange too that all the night footage is gone? Im no longer at that lot because I can't trust having it there. I really want to cry.
So sorry for this but it's very hard to know what's going on over the internet.

First of when the bearings go out the oil has metallic flakes in it. shiny little flakes. not sand. Also bearings don't just go out and seize an engine overnight, the process takes a long time.

First sign of bad bearings is a knocking noise, was the engine knocking?
What color is this sand? Is this sand black?
So the engine will not turn over?
Have you tried to turn it over by hand?

Fords are notorious for being very hard to do conversions from one type of engine to another. Is your inline 6 a complete engine? By this I mean do you have all the accessories like alt, PS, AC, and their brackets. Also do you have the computer for the 6 along with all the sensors and wire harnesses? Do you have the engine mounting stuff(everything). What transmission do you have? Will that transmission bolt up to your engine?

Finally yes contact the police although without hard evidence I don't see them being able to do anything. I have to ask, What does this person have to gain from doing this?

Best of luck, keep us updated.

File a police report for vandalism and I assume they broke into your van so that as well. File a claim with your insurance company, if you are still in a sticks and bricks your homeowners may cover it. Since it was a gated lot I would check with about getting a free legal advice about how to use small claims or the courts to sue for damages from the owners especially if they have security cameras and are not able to supply footage evidence. As to your motor, how many miles are on it? Is there any evidence how much or where the sand was poured in? If it is for sure sand where did it come from? The first order of things mechanical is to get the sand out and clean up as much of it as possible, the reason I say this is I have seen engines with gravel put down the oil fill, they get ground up into a sandy type paste. It may be that one lodged between moving parts and locked the engine which has happened before without doing as much damage as you might think. You may be able to remove the intake or cylinder heads or other components like oil pan and pump and flush out most or all of the grit as well as remove the stone locking everything up if that is the case. It is a lot cheaper to replace or clean an oil pump and all the bearings if the crank has not been damager beyond it's wear limits. Just so you know the engine I saw ran several thousand miles more but old air cooled VWs have some really large wear tolerances which is what it was. I have also had a vehicle which had a jar of small machine screws poured down the intake that locked up so hard the flywheel sheared off all the retaining bolts but it only needed a cylinder sleeved and one new piston, I guess I'm saying it may not be as bad as you think but if it is a high mileage engine it may be a good time to replace it. There should be several used 351 Fords around as that is the rust belt. I would check with the wrecking yards and see if they had someone there that would do the R&R.
WOW, Yes do what the people above are saying, especially filling a Police report. you would be amazed what they might find. Even if you think there is no evidence, you are not and investigator.. So allow the Police to do their job..

and Definitely do what Bullfrog is suggesting, Just because you are feeling like there is not solution, does not mean there is not one.

your insurance company will also do an investigation, and help you in the matters for when your vehicle was in a secured gated lot.. Do go through this alone when you do not need to.. Will it get frustrating and aggravating, probably.. But you are better off reporting it.. than not
Having the vehicle in a locked yard will not make a bit of difference as far as getting some one to pay. I know, I have first hand experience with this. Highdesertranger
Oh yea she's definitely locked solid. I know it usually takes a long time for this to happen and I know there should be metal flakes in the oil. The sand looked like dirty sand....not shiny and metallic looking. There was not even a knock at all. I guess it just got past my oil pump and through the filter and immediately wiped the bearings out. I think someone ran it before I left because my battery was near dead and I had way less gas. So here's pretty much how it went...I was going up hill and I lost power, the RPM dropped, I kept my foot on the gas and pulled over to the side ...I put it in park, and it went vroooom....CLINK.....and that was it. I tried turning it with a socket and breaker bar, and she's definitely locked up. I guess it was just a freak thing guys, the motor is older than me but yea they don't fail this way without knocking if someone messed with it
Yes most storage places have a written contract that says they are not responsible for any damage to your vehicle but sometimes the owner will pay to avoid court costs. Homes On Wheels Association may be able to help. If you are able to find employment with housing locally like a night audit at the hotel or maybe that might work. If it is an older high mileage rusty spent it's whole life in PA vehicle a rebuilt engine may be putting good money into something only to have something else go not too long down the road. Pictures, year, make and model would help.
It was almost like that sodium silicate stuff they destroyed all them cars with back in 2010 ish...I think it was literally called the cars program. I lost power just like that and external damage or smoke or nothing. This is pretty much exactly what happened and what it sounded like

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