Trekking said:
What style of air conditioners have you folks went with, rooftop, portable or window air conditioning. The window air conditioning seems cheaper and seems like it puts out a good deal of cold air.
My first A/C is a HAIER 5000 BTU window A/C bought from TARGET half-off On September 8th, 2014; after 6 months of swealtering. It was installed in the back window, then removed to be permantly installed above the fridge in a creative space-saving and stealthy arrangement.
Seasonally, plan to install a HAIER 10,000 BTU A/C into the back window for this summer, and have the DELONGHI 12,500 BTU Portable A/C in the van for my EDC 2016 & Beyond trip. There will be a combined 27,500 BTUs of A/C capability in the van, not including the vans built in climate controls. Only 2 of the A/Cs can be powered from the 3200 watt HF genset, so one of the A/Cs is acting as a spare incase an A/C goes bust. 3 is 2, 2 is 1, and 1 is NONE.
I will NOT be swealtering in Vegas this time, I swealtered in Vegas last year because I didn't have a large generator. And on my first trip running on wood, I will be truly FREE(mobility wise).
Blue said:
somebody figured out for my van's V6 engine the cost of doing that is like 2.00 per hour. I'm not sure if the combined cost of electricity, a wall AC unit, the mods you'd need to make, and the gas to run the generator would be worth it over the cost of just keeping the auto AC on for the hours its necessary.
Idling the engine at $2 an hour is cheaper in the short-term, and an A/C & generator combo with cost of gas is cheaper in the long-term.
decodancer said:
I owned several dog grooming vans and we installed 5000 btu ACs in the rear of the hightop and it would freeze you out in Florida. I've seen them in the rear window and don't think it looks too bad.
"freeze you out in Florida"? At what temperature and humidity?
The CamperVan_Man said:
I use a 12v Non-Evaporative Swamp Cooler like this:
Ice or Dry Ice will last the better part of a week, if running just water, which is the vast majority of the time, you never have to add any, since it is a sealed system.
One summer in Death Valley at 130°f I used the dry ice, and it got so cold I was wearing a sweater and had to open a window to let some heat in...
Dino said:
... I'm fascinated by this cooler!
This sounds too good to be true. A gallon of water weighs 8 pounds, 1 pound of ice has 144 BTUs (assuming 1 pound of water equals one pound of ice). A 5 gallon bucket filled with 5 gallons of frozen water, would be 40 pounds of ice. 40 pounds of ice with 144 BTUs a pound equals 5,760 BTUs. AFAIK, A/C BTUs are rated per-hour; so a 5000 BTU A/C transfers 5000 BTUs of heat in an hour. To get the same cooling a 5000 BTU A/C, one would need a 5 gallon bucket block of ice every hour. There are not a lot of BTUs in ice.
The CamperVan_Man said:
I just don't understand people who spend thousands for some elaborate set up to be able to run an AC Air Conditioner when there are better ways to go, that work just as good or better, for waaaaayyyyyy cheaper.
Possibly because most people don't know about non-evaporative swamp cooling, plus the fact that A/C can cool one down even in the most extreme heat. I am skeptical about your Non-Evaporative Swamp Cooler, but am interested in the system as a viable alternative to A/C.
The CamperVan_Man said:
Just try working on other people's computers remotely using either an Android or an Ipad. It sucks big time. So I needed my laptop plus my air card anyway. ...
Exactly. Contrary to what many tech blogs say, desktop and laptop computers will not go extinct. What platform are the iOS and Android applications developed on? What surface are the developers typing their code on? They're developing the mobile applications on a desktop or laptop computer and typing on a keyboard, viewing their code on a life-size screen.
Smartphone vs desktop/laptop computer is like bicycle vs car. The former is good for basic things, and is not really compatible for most things. The latter is good for serious things, and is very compatible for most things.
You don't need to defend your need for a laptop.