Roku stick via hotspot works well

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2016
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Been mostly doing the NM state park shuffle.  I don't usually watch TV, but this former Floridian had a hankering to see what's going on with the hurricane situation on something bigger than an 8 inch screen.  I've had multiple Rokus in s&b since the early 2000's and I can get my favorite internet radio station ( beautiful graphics on the Roku .  So I figured I would try to get it working in the trailer with the 12v TV.

The Roku  stick (~$30) hooks up to the TV via the HDMI port. It is powered by USB only.  I set it up with the hotspot on my phone.  I do have unlimited hotspot-at 3G speeds only. It works well, though I do have some buffering here and there as my phone reception keeps dipping into 2G where I'm currently parked (don't expect anywhere near universal cellphone service in NM).  The resolution is going from fine to adequate, but then I grew up with a 12inch black & white TV with rabbit ears.  

So now I can get my Schadenfreude on!
WalkaboutTed said:
Been mostly doing the NM state park shuffle. ... (don't expect anywhere near universal cellphone service in NM). 
Good to know as I was thinking about venturing out that way as NM has an annual camping pass for non-residents, making it cheaper to camp in NM state parks than AZ state parks.
Between few television stations, large distances between cities, and mountains the tv reception stinks.
With a decent cell signal it seems nowadays you can stream any amount of news you can stand?

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