I've decided to put a deep cycle battery in the spot under the hood and rig it up to have the alternator charge it while driving, with a continuous duty solenoid so as to not drain the starting battery when not driving.
My question is, how hard is it to rig up? Obviously, I won't be doing it as I have zero mechanical/electrical experience. My question, though, is it so difficult I'll be needing to find a professional? Or, ask someone with some skills and knowledge, like my dad for instance, to help with it?
It'll be a few weeks before this will take place so I have some time to plan and read up on it. Any advice appreciated, thanks!!.
My question is, how hard is it to rig up? Obviously, I won't be doing it as I have zero mechanical/electrical experience. My question, though, is it so difficult I'll be needing to find a professional? Or, ask someone with some skills and knowledge, like my dad for instance, to help with it?
It'll be a few weeks before this will take place so I have some time to plan and read up on it. Any advice appreciated, thanks!!.