Rest in Peace Remington and God Bless you

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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2014
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For those who have met my fine dogs Remington and Rango, it is with great sadness that I announce that my sweet and gentle Remington (Remy) a 9 1/2 yr old Boxer/Pit mix, was put to sleep this morning due to heart and lung cancer. It was a sudden/recent diagnosis. He was a very special and loving pup. Please say a prayer for him if you wish and also for Rango, since they were the best of friends and now he looks for him in vain.....and one for me. This was a long dreaded day and is here.
I am so sorry dogear, it's the hardest day for sure. Be glad he didn't suffer long and love up Rango, you both need it right now.
Sorry to hear that. I only met Remington briefly, but he was a very sweet dog. Losing a dog is one of the worst feelings in the world. My thoughts are with you and Rango both.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I know you and Rango will do your best to console each other.

Remy's in good company, over the bridge


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Very sorry to hear. Not allowing the pet to further suffer Is a selfless thing. I know how it hurts.

I like what Will Rogers said. “If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.”
You have my sympathies.  Every pet I had was in a lifetime family.  Just like my kids.  They do understand what that means~~~ You gave Remy that.   :angel:
So sorry for your loss, all the best.
Sorry for your loss, a dog is truly your best friend
So sorry to hear. It hurts.
Hugs to you and Rango, hold each other.
Oh, I am so sorry to hear about Remy. He was a sweetheart. I remember how scary I thought he was at first, being such a big formidable guy. Then he won my heart by being so friendly.  I can only imagine how Rango is looking for him.  I feel for you both. He was lucky to have you as well.
Remy, Rango and I thank you all so much for all the kind words expressed. It really helps. God Bless.
It's horrible to lose a good pet. I can give up some relaties more easily than a good dog.

I think of my dear Shilo and tear up. I think of my aunt, and wonder if the weather is going to stay nice.
dogear52 said:
For those who have met my fine dogs Remington and Rango, it is with great sadness that I announce that my sweet and gentle Remington (Remy) a 9 1/2 yr old  Boxer/Pit mix, was put to sleep this morning due to heart and lung cancer. It was a sudden/recent diagnosis. He was a very special and loving pup. Please  say a prayer for him if you wish and also for Rango, since they were the best of friends and now he looks for him in vain.....and one for me. This was a long dreaded day and is here.
Rest assured dear friend, Remy is in comfort waiting for his friend(s). The Bible says, "does a sparrow fall and the Lord not notice?" Of Lazarus Christ said to the rich man, "even the dogs did come and lick his wounds". When Noah found the dove with a twig in it's beak, he knew landfall was near and was greatly comforted. The Bible says of the new heaven and the new earth. "The lion will lay down with the lamb, a child will play near a vipers pit". All his creation will be there. Except for the sun. The Lord takes great pleasure in his creation and has made a place for these companions. 

RIP Remy.
Thank you for the support with Bible quotes, romeosierrabavo2.
Remington, we talk about u everyday, I miss u even though I didn't meet u. Wish I had everyone says u were the sweetest. Did see your picture today, your papa misses u!
Sorry to read about losing your pup, I know it hurts.  Rob



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