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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2011
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<p style="margin: 0px;">Perhaps someone could clear up a bit of confusion I have about cell phone / data enhancement.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">A repeater is designed to boost an existing signal, but I don't think it will increase the range at which a cell phone operates - if there's at least not one bar of reception a repeater does no good. &nbsp;It seems there is an amplifier which boosts the wattage of a cell phone from .6 watts to 3 watts.&nbsp; Will this permit the phone to be used at an increased distance from a tower, or merely provide better reception within the normal range? An external antenna is assumed.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Thanks to anyone who can clarify.</p>
The amplifier will pull in cell signals from greater distances. giving you much better range.<br><br>While I am in Remote areas of the Rocky mountains, and open spots in the Midwest my smoothtalker will enable the phone to get a&nbsp; signal when others with me do not.<br><br>in the mountains the difference can be as much as 25 miles better. <br><br>with the air card it will increase the data speed dramatically, also&nbsp; the difference of&nbsp; having service and not having service <br><br>Putz<br><br>
Thanks Putz. I am less concerned about data speed than I am abut basic communication, although I wouldn't mind extending the range for data service as well. My iPhone operates on 3G and my hotspot on 3G/4G.
If signal strength is the problem, an external antenna (optionally with amplifier) can increase data speed.&nbsp; If the speed problem is an outdated or overloaded cell, it will not help.&nbsp; I find it does help in marginal signal areas.<br>
<p>I'm just anticipating being out in the boonies, and I want to be able get a signal as far out as possible.</p>