Hi, thank you. I like the trailer hitch idea, except then I'd have to move the spare tire every time I want to open the back doors. I see there are some bumper mount carriers that swing out when you need to open the doors, but none of them for a Transit Connect.
What would be nice is the kind of mount that goes on the two hinges. I don't see any online for a Transit Connect. I'm not sure what you mean by compound hinges. If it's what I think you mean, the doors can stop at 90 degrees, or by pressing a button, they will stay put at 180 degrees. I would post a picture of the hinges but after trying a few times to post pics to this forum, I haven't been able to figure out how to resize them to be able to upload them. Uh oh--if I can't even figure that out, how am I going to convert a van? I guess.