How effective is solar with smoky air? Who has had experiences with that? Right now it is so smoky from forest/grass fires that I can't see the sun. Everything has a red tint.
Canine, I am presently in NE WA state and the smoke has been thick. This had adversely affected my solar efficiency to the point I've had to run my generator for several hours per day just to keep my batteries charged. Generally, my 200W of solar are adequate even in partly cloudy weather.
A low in the weather dried us up for a bit but brought the smoke here too, Pretty thick! There are warnings for sensitive people being outside. I'll let you know what the solar does.
No shadows at times. I was curious because the smoke filters out different wavelengths of light compared to clouds (creating a red tint on everything), I thought it might have a different effect on solar charging.
When clouds or Smoke block the sun, I am thankful for My alternator, or to my adjustable voltage power supply if I have grid power available to power it. No generator in my possession. Hope to not change that ever.
Ammeters and amp hour counters will tell me if I need to cut back on battery usage.
The heavy smoke does keep the camper cooler than full sun, so that is a benefit, but it does need to be pretty smoky to have an appreciable difference.