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New member
Nov 8, 2021
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Ontario, Canada
Hello group. I'm a sticks and bricks dweller with a fascination for Cheap RV living. The adventures sound intriguing. I'm here to learn.?
Welcome fullthrottle55 to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome to the CRVL Forums  :)

You've found a very good place to learn and learn and learn.  I haven't been posting here much of late as I've been working on my own rig after a 100 degree + summer and just getting some weather where I can get some things done.  But I'll share some thoughts.  If you go with a Van try to get something that would be dependable.  That would have a few years of usefulness left in it. To start out with you would be taking week end camping trips and after awhile some road trips on the three & four day week ends.  These will be your first steps just to "shake down" (meaning to learn)  and get your legs under  you. 

Of the vehicles the high top Vans have been quite popular as you can stand up in them.  In a regular Van you will be bent over at the waist a lot and it gets old.  You may find a Step Van (like a bread truck) but you'll need to give thought to where you will park it when not being used.  That can be an issue if you are still in the sticks & bricks.  As for equipping the vehicle,  a suitable bed,  a cabinet that would have a top for a basin to wash dishes and prep food,  a cooking top like a two burner propane stove, and space below for kitchen stuff, canned foods, etc.  An ice chest of at least 42 quart with 20 lbs of ice could carry you  a through a weekend. If you can spend summer weekends doing this your first year you'll be ready to experiment with camping/travel by the next year.

To get yourself equipped,  shop Flea Markets,  Yard Sales, Goodwill stores, etc for kitchen equipment,  bedding, camping equipment, etc.  Dollar stores will often have a lot of things that are quite usable.(such as food containers for storage)  Visit websites like CampMor com and look thru what is there and then try to find stuff like it in yard sales & flea markets etc.  And remember to try and find stuff that can be used for several things.  In this way you can be more of a "minimalist" and not look like you are toting every thing you own along with you.  (like you're going homesteading)
This is much of the essence of it all.  Carry a laptop with you or a good cell or tablet so you can...if you need.....get the weather forecast,  find locations of goods & services you would need while on the road.  (such as laundromats, vehicle service, medical facilities, etc) 

Below are a couple of my websites which I put together to help others who are curious about this life.
In the first site at the top (Van Conversion) there is a link at the top "My Own Story" about how I got started into this.  We all come to this with different motives.....mine was to get started in my career right out of school days.  Others may just want to travel in their retirement etc)   Below in the next link "edjautoservices" is a portal of handy information as a portal site.  It is designed to help people stay safe, be comfortable, and enjoy conveniences while away from home or if living full time in a rig.

Good Luck   :thumbsup:
first is do you really wanna do it and IS IT you?

if yes then there is a gazillion utubes and sites and more to hit SO easily on the internet.

wishing you the best on the way forward as you require for you :)

your post made it sound like some fantasy dream, but those of us who require it in our lives have a ton more info coming into this and thru research to make it happen, but I don't know you commitment and knowledge on it, but again your post isn't to 'learn' here truly, unless you are steps forward on wanting this lifestyle I would think. Again good luck!
fullthrottle55 said:
Hello group. I'm a sticks and bricks dweller with a fascination for Cheap RV living. The adventures sound intriguing. I'm here to learn.?

First question - are you a camper now? 

If you're not, you need to start right now - with the vehicle you have and the stuff you have and the weather you're having right now. Start with over nighters. Including right in your own driveway or a friend's driveway. If you don't like camping - and plenty of people don't - it won't matter too much what vehicle you are driving - it isn't the vehicle that makes it fun. And if you do like camping, you will find yourself full of ideas about how to make it better, which will give you a good basis for deciding what vehicle suits you best. 

And welcome! There's a vast body of experience here!
:thumbsup: Welcome Throttle! This tribe is extraordinarily kind as well as knowledgeable. I say dive in and learn as you go, but do it in baby steps! :thumbsup: