pulled the trigger, now I am living in my van full time

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Don Genaro

Aug 9, 2013
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sitting here in the Mcdonalds parking lot using their wifi..<br><br>I have been living with my cousins since I got here in Cincinnati, it has been ok, but I recently found out (yesterday) that my cousin stole my grandmas bank card and withdrew a whole bunch of money so she got a bunch of overdrafts, I was making her dinner last night and she is so upset and she cried, she is 89 years old. Everybody knows who did it except her, it is her favorite grandson in a way and he is just a thief period, I am always watching my stuff, otherwise I feel he will steal it..anyway, last night it was either confront him and me probably losing my temper or leaving, I decided to pack up my stuff about 3 am and put it all in the van, even though it is not ready at all..I do have a toilet, propane stove, stuff like that, but I wanted to at least get most of my build done before I drive cross country to So Cal&nbsp;on Aug. 31st..now I just got to figure out where to go so I can do more work on the van and make it more liveable..<br><br>just a rant I guess, it is hot today, I need to get a fan..<br><br>bright spot is I will get to do a test run of living in the van before I make my trip and subsequently live in it once I get to San Diego..I love this life
Don...so sorry to hear of such a terribly awkward position to be placed in...and not by your design either. (which makes it worse to me) Sure hope this story has some sort of reasonable conclusion...(altho if it was me, I'd be inclined to rip that fuk's head off!!...but that's just me) Whadda creepy thing to do to someone, and especially to a senior citizen...that's just wrong!<BR><BR>Anyway, I'd be inclined to find a quiet spot down on the banks of the Ohio River. Camp, go for walks, enjoy some nature, fish if you like, and work on your van. Calm is what I think you need right now.<BR><BR>Stay in touch with Gramma. She needs support and open ears these days.<BR><BR>Good Luck with all of this.
<p>That sucks, what a low life. I admire your decision to leave, it could have ended very badly. <br><br>You already have the basic essentials, that's one thing&nbsp;going for you. A quick and easy way to&nbsp;make a&nbsp;bed and storage without too much construction is to use milk crates and a piece of plywood. It also provide someplace to sit other than the floor. You would be so welcome to use our tools and house if you were closer. <br><br>All the best to you and your grand mother.<br><br>Nicole</p>
When i first moved into the van i didnt have electric, so i bought this pretty cheap fan that runs off two D batteries.&nbsp; It isn't a tornado by any means but i was suprised how comfortable it made me.&nbsp; In fact when my batteries went all wonky the other day and i had no way to recharge it saved my life lol&nbsp; <br><br>http://www.amazon.com/O2-Cool-Porta...60602&amp;sr=8-14&amp;keywords=o2+battery+fan<br><br>They have a 10 inch one for a little more but it requires more batteries and i figured i might as well wait on something bigger until i had 12v power.&nbsp;
That's elder abuse!&nbsp; Your cousin can and should go to jail!!&nbsp; JMHO, but I think your grandmother needs your help; you need to do the right thing if no one else will!!!&nbsp; Your cousin does not deserve the title "grandma's favorite grandson".&nbsp; Time to let the cat out of the bag!!!!
thanks for the replys..makes me feel better..I slept in the Meijer parking lot last night, got some black out curtains for between the cab and back area and also got some black poster board and put it over the back windows..<br>I agree, he needs something to happen to him, not sure what yet..he is a klypto, sad thing is, he is 31 years old and does not even use hard drugs..I swear I would love to slap him, I still might, haha..probably not, if this was 20 years ago, I would of beat him down bad cause that is some serious disrespect..<br>I did buy one of those O2 fans from wal mart yesterday, that takes 2 d batteries, it did save me, I had it blowing on my face last night..dreaming of that koolatron 12v!<br><br>thanks again, you all have made me feel better, I got a feeling I will be a regular here
Don, sorry about the situation with your Grandmother.&nbsp; I'd have lost my temper with the kid ... and probably done more.&nbsp; He should go to jail.&nbsp; You need to report this abuse to whomever looks after seniors in that neighborhood.&nbsp; They will have him removed from the scene.&nbsp; What about her children???&nbsp; Can't they do something.&nbsp; I had to also leave my grandmother without being able to help as I would like to.&nbsp; She was living with her 2nd husband and her own daughter, with a second daughter coming by on a regular basis. They wanted to take care of her the way they wanted to... and wanted me gone.&nbsp; I gone.&nbsp; Now they all gone.&nbsp; It's only a fleeting moment in time.&nbsp; But I am sorry you are going through this.
I'm not sure where in San Diego your going, but when I was in that area I found that Pacific Beach, and Ocean Beach was perfect for the vandwelling lifestyle. My personal favorite was Ocean Beach, park for free during the day in the beach parking lot, and at night move to street parking.
thanks Dominique, I know that area well and do plan on staying there or nearby..<br><br>Update: I was able to stay at my uncles for a few days and got some work done..I built a full size bed out of 2 by 3's and it is about 1 1/2 from the floor with tons of storage underneath..put a shelf in and also scored a vent from a RV place nearby..they said it came out of a new camper so they could install an air conditioner..$15 bucks, with a 12v fan..I was happy beyond words..cut the hole right away and dropped it in, all sealed no leaks..very nice! I leave next Thursday for my drive to California, thought I would update..I will update with pictures of some of the stuff I have done as soon as I pick up the camera.
Glad your situation is on the upswing. Have a fun and safe drive to California!
In them there old days we just beat the crap out of him and tell him to move on. If it's not too late confront him and re-adjust his thinking. I could say drugs related. Oh welcome by the way..