So of course I don't know if these warnings are real or not but I've received three notifications by video recommendations that there's a recent government double warning to prepare for 6 months without power. A hack to the grid would mean solar/vehicle (off grid) would be fine, but an EMP attack would mean that solar would be impaired, the electronic charge regulator would not work and any vehicle manufactured after 1970 with electronic starters would not work.
I would be sol for I don't know how to replace a starter even if I put an extra one in a faraday box, but I'm studying how and plan to do this plus get solar electronics protected too.
I'm figuring with vehicle and solar one could do a lot better than without. Plus I've got spare water, water in my hot water tank, and my water filtering system, plus propane in the RV. But nothing that would last 6 months, and it's cold.
6 months?