Positive response to vandwelling article,and some guerilla spam

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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
There is this article on yahoo.&nbsp; "Family living in shabby bus".&nbsp;&nbsp; I was halfway through rolling my eyes when i came to the comments.&nbsp; I was pleasantly surprised at the large number of people defending vandwelling of all kinds in the comments!&nbsp; Woot!&nbsp; The parents did have issues and they should be focusing on why their aunt abandoned them, but I think its cool how people defended the fact they live in a bus.<br><br>I threw in a plug for Bobs book in a comment and ive gotten a couple thumbs up.&nbsp; Yahoo sensors web address so i figured thats the next best thing.&nbsp; Spammin like a ninja <img rel="lightbox" src="http://animenation.net/forums/images/smilies/fear.gif" class="bbc_img"><br><br>http://news.yahoo.com/texas-couple-2-kids-old-bus-makes-progress-194541958.html
Thanks for posting this! It is very encouraging to see so many positive responses. I am fearful a good amount of time about being "caught" living in a bus. It is what we have, and we are happy with our choice.

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