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I think it's the nature of humans to not understand values other than their own. You can't possibly be happy unless you want the same thing they do. While I'm not a full timer, I tend to buck the system in a myriad of other ways. Everybody I know questions how I can be a vegetarian, not drink, not like sports, not have/want a SO, etc. My values don't match those of the majority, therefore I'm broken and need to be fixed. Welcome to the club.
The majority of our society have not been able to break free of the indoctrination of 'consumerism'.
It begins with the child's first experience watching television. The advertising. The toys.
New toys that we don't have, the novelty of all the new things.

As an adult, the idea of minimalism is a huge leap, it goes against everything we have been cajoled to think.

The economy must keep expanding, consumers must keep consuming or the whole thing falls apart like a 'ponzi' scheme.
Unfortunately our dear planet Earth has a limited supply of all the things we need to keep the economy expanding.

So, when well meaning friends or family suggest that you buy or rent a home, or upgrade to a bigger RV or work harder to earn more money so you can buy more stuff,
have some pity on them, they don't have the understanding or wisdom to see things any other way.

To free oneself of all desire is to reach enlightenment.
Some friends and family can never understand. I thank them for their advice though, they are well meaning and care.   My sister told me she checked with her ex, a lawyer, she was happy to tell me I may be able to get out of the land contract I signed and move back into my house.  She and my father just don't get that I can be happy this way.

 I have been selling my greeting cards out of my vintage camper I also live in, mostly at farmers and craft markets here in Ohio.  When people, mostly women realize I travel and live in it, they are often excited and want to know how. Mostly it is older women my age who want a simpler lifestyle. I'm always honest, I love it and don't want to live in a house. I explain I worked for years to buy things to fill my soul and then worked harder to keep the house to keep my things in. 

Now I have very few things, want very little and I'm happy with my dogs, my few possessions, my tiny camper and my few responsibilities. I also tell them I don't have to make as much money as an artist to live the way I do. I also add that I have made a lot of sacrifices to live this way and it wasn't an easy way out.

I love this picture, it shows someone handing me money!



  • BrightDiane.jpg
    394 KB
You know, it's been said that you can get more money from people with a smile and a gun than you can with a smile and a pretty hat.  Just saying . . .

Bravo Diane
You look like one happy camper , nice you can earn from something you love to do

"another day in paradise" is something I say to people every day ,
It's amazing to see them when they realize I do this as a lifestyle..........