people over 50 and 60 report higher levels of sexual satisfaction

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Younger you have greater / keener needs and higher expectations.

Olds physically less active all 'round, more content in general with what's available, get more realistic.
When you engage in "extra curricular" activity once a month, I think you tend to be more impacted by outcomes than when it's three times a day! Know what I mean? Shoot, I'm just shocked it all still works! LOL! :)
At my age I will be pretty satisfied if I even GET to have sex.
wagoneer said:
I keep "her" boxed up nice feeling feminine about my masculine.

Huh.... who do you have locked in a box? :huh:
I'm picturing the Gimp from Pulp Ficton but with lipstick on.
Wow, approaching my peak year soon....
Of course at this age when 'stamina' becomes a problem....I just switch hands. :rolleyes:
Hmm , om only 54 , But I have been recovering from a lung removal and complications for quite some time now. So stamina wise and breathing wise I would have to be on bottom . Even then it might kill me for shortness of breath . Talk about dieing happy LOL
I definitely find it is getting better the older I get. Always learning "new" tricks lol. You can teach an old dog new tricks it turns out.
I was thinking about this and wondering if it was true so I did some more research this morning.
Yes, but now it comes from eating a pastrami sandwich. Oh, that gorgeous deli counter. That hot pastrami ... the flirty tease and tickle of that slightly crisp rye and its naughty mustard .. the cool, soothing coleslaw offset with just a hint of spice ... you know what I'm talking about ... a snappy pickle, those saucy kalamatas! ... I can barely make it to the table!

... and afterwards ... flushed with love .. there's a certain peace in the world no one can take from you.
yeah I must say I have never heard a pastrami on rye describe like that. highdesertranger