peeling boiled eggs

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Well-known member
May 23, 2019
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Making a fresh batch of pickled eggs and as usual I am struggling to get them peeled.I have heard of and tried all manner of tricks to make them peel easy and so far have had only limited success.Anybody got any help for me?
Here's what I do: 

My pot will hold 6 eggs so I do 6 per batch.  I put 6 eggs in a bowl and cover them with water and let them sit a half hour or more.  Sometimes an egg will float so it goes to the trash.  I put 2 cups of water in the pot.  That's how much it takes to cover 6 eggs in my pot.  Covered,  I bring it almost to a boil and turn it off.  I use a big spoon to put the eggs in the hot water.  Next it takes about 2 to 3 minutes with the gas on high to get to a rolling boil.  Then I turn the flame down as low as possible.  After 5 minutes I turn off the stove and cover the pot with a small towel for another 5 minutes.  Then I spoon the eggs back into the bowl of cold water to cool for 30 minutes followed by 30 minutes in air. 

The rapid heating by putting the eggs in very hot water is supposed to make them easy to peel.  Sometimes they crack.  This usually works well but not always.  Very fresh eggs are allegedly hard to peel.
Mom taught me not to use fresh eggs for hard boiling because they are harder to peel. Older but not spoiled eggs peel easier when hard boiled. My experience proved her right or my imagination. Fresh eggs are great for frying.
After the eggs are boiled, soak them in cold water, crack the shells in several places so the water penetrates. They peel off pretty easy after a few minutes in the water.
Dang. I'm outta eggs and y'all have me craving an egg salad sammich.
slow2day - me too - and with lots of onions, don't have the wife around to complain about what happens after I eat egg salad so part of the fun is gone.
agree with crofter...crack shell and membrane, soak in water or agitate in water. Youtube prob has videos.
The most reliable two things I have found are:

1. Don't use fresh eggs. Let them sit out for at least a day or 3+++
2. Steam them instead of boil. 13 mins is good if the stovetop pot is kept at a boil throughout; looking into the pot or turning down the heat at any point can easily mean you need several more minutes to firm up the yolk. Simply because it can take a while to load a big lot of eggs in, I usually take 14 minutes as my starting point.
Buy six already cooked and peeled at the deli, for about 3 bucks. Expensive, I know. But I love my egg salad. After exhausting all methods on the interwebs I have given up trying to peel them
I'm going to try the Crofter method.I have tried putting them in cold water,but I didn't crack them first.In my experience,pickled eggs don't improve a marriage much.
Dingfelder said:
The most reliable two things I have found are:

1.  Don't use fresh eggs.  Let them sit out for at least a day or 3+++
2.  Steam them instead of boil.  13 mins is good if the stovetop pot is kept at a boil throughout; looking into the pot or turning down the heat at any point can easily mean you need several more minutes to firm up the yolk.  Simply because it can take a while to load a big lot of eggs in, I usually take 14 minutes as my starting point.

Steaming is absolutely the way to go.

And pressure steaming is even better.

I don't have an InstantPot, but you ought to be able to use it for this.

You will probably have to tweak the times if you use a stovetop pressure cooker, but the recipe should get you pretty darn close.
I use my instant pot. 6 to 12 eggs, 6 minutes, rapid pressure release, ice water bath, peel under trickle of water. They practically peel them selves.
Or this...

Mod edit. Video title - How to Peel Boiled Eggs in 2 seconds in a Glass of Water!
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