Wandering Zombies
I've noticed in our travels that there's been a lot of hate going on with different people of different races or cultures. I want to point out that a we all bleed the same color. The other thought I have about this is that we also all share the same planet and we should act accordingly and treat each other with respect no matter where the other person is from or what they choose to do with their life. I think it's important that while we look at history to remember so that we do not do these things again and race is not something that is I feel targeted towards one culture or race there are people that are racist towards different cultures . And I think it's important to point out that hate is not just about race it can be about a person's gender, sexual orientation, a person's religion or spirituality. And those are just a few examples. Nobody likes to be told how to live or how to act and again the most important thing is that we all treat each other with respect and understanding. It's okay to disagree but there is no reason to be disrespectful or mean about it. Everybody has their own opinions and beliefs and they're entitled to that. And more importantly we need to concentrate on living our lives in harmony on this great planet that we share with each other and keeping this planet to where we can keep living on it. And together we can accomplish great things