Part timer, hopefully much more in the near future

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Active member
Mar 8, 2017
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Short intro… live the northeast, traditional home, but travel extensively in a Class B. Hope to full time in the very near future at best, 1/2 time at worst. Have owned everything from a single person backpack tent to a 36' Class A. Love the cozy confines of a small RV for travel, and the Class B is a perfect solo travel vehicle. Would prefer a custom high top van that I design and build for a custom fit. That may be my next project. Currently modifying and setting up a Roadtrek 190 popular to fit me as best it can.

For work, I own a small business that creates media content for businesses for marketing, trade shows, internal communications, and training purposes. I’ve been doing that for 15+ years. Prior to that I was a software engineer working on the internet ‘super highway’ when it was still a ‘dirt road’. Was ecstatic when we sent our first e-mail one morning on Arpanet and it arrived quickly 6 hours later! LOL. After 20 years I couldn’t take sitting in a 10’x10’ florescent lit environment for 8-10hrs a day anymore Needed something new. Company offered a voluntary 1 year salary package and I took it. I used that to fund my escape and started a corporate video business. A new environment every day, and I’ve been shooting hanging out of helicopters, involved in all sorts of new technologies, varied locations, corporate offices to factory floors, from LA to China. But, now that everything is digital, I still find myself sitting in front of a computer and monitor lol. I keep employees to a minimum using freelance talent and virtual offices, so my work is very portable and for the most part I can work out of the Roadtrek anywhere I have wireless or cellular when not required to be on site with the clients. Very freeing.

I hope to be able to add some value here with my experiences with RV's over the last 30 some odd years, and hope to be a sponge learning from others.
Welcome reflex to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
Welcome aboard Reflex!
Got any pics of that Roadtrek ? We love rig pics , especially the inside living mods you have done.
You have very much experience that can help the group.
Post anywhere you can and ask anytime you need help too!
Welcome to the CRVL Forum   :) 

Your background sounds a lot like mine in Corporate.   I was in Industrial Design and moving quickly between divisions in my Van to take on short term projects.   Married guys with families wouldn't be away from home
much and I was single and being charged with those duties.   So I had been using my Van come Camper since UNI days and figured a way to get good at undertaking those assignments.   In time I negotiated better and better positions for myself by being a "Nomadic Designer".  I built furniture that would knock down, deflate, fold up, package & tote,  and transport in my Van and the economy car I towed behind it.  I could move out and move on like the amusement rides at the County Fairs on a Friday and be setting up in another division on Sunday night to be at work Monday Morning. 

I'm still refining my techniques.  The bottom link below represents my methods for finding my way in comfort when out on the road.  Handy information to have at one's fingertips.
Sounds like a great life. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your adventures!
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone.

rvpopeye, most of the pictures and modifications are on my travel/work blog Over time, I’ll post some here, but if you want an advance peek, thats the place. I’ve got a few more updates to post, and will do so there, as well as here in the forums.

eDY_, yes, very much the same, although you are far more nomadic that I at the moment. But I still find time to travel, in fact recently spent almost two months following and living with a traveling circus filming for a documentary that should be done this fall. Now that was a nice trip. Lots of interesting travel and side stories :)
Hi Reflex439, best of luck to you. Have a blast!