Parking for extended periods of time?

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Jan 15, 2015
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So, I'm at the point where I can finally get a van and start my build.  As usual though, just when I thought all my bases were covered, a few more questions have arisen. 

I'm in a unique situation where I have come into a pretty high paying job, that can also afford me the opportunity to permanently work from home.  So obviously this means, I could pretty much work from anywhere.  The downside to this is, this job is almost constant.  I work long hours and long over time almost every day.  The work is unfortunately pretty fast paced and constant, and it needs to be done immediately.  This puts me in a tough spot.  Since this job demands my attention almost constantly, I've come to realize this means I'm going to need to stay parked somewhere for quite a while in some instances, as I wont have time to keep driving between locations.  I'll also need a relatively stable internet connection.  After reading this forum for over a year, it seems that these 2 issues are pretty much at odds with van dwelling.  Mobile internet seems hilariously unreliable, and most places will only let you stay parked for maybe a day max.  

So, has anyone else been in a situation like this by chance?  I've though about some of the places I could stay for a while, and while they would all work, I cant see them working for as long as I might need without getting a lot of harassment.  Public parking seems pretty limited in most places, and since stealth is a pretty important issue, the longer you stay somewhere, the more you will stand out.  I understand there's RV parks and such around that you can pay to stay at, and basically stay for however long you wish, but what are the costs involved with this and how many of these places are really around?  I'm not averse to paying to stay somewhere, as long as its cheap.  If my total costs end up being more or equal to staying somewhere permanent, whats the point?  There's the obvious places like Hotels, which would fix both issues, but this seems to defeat the purpose.  I have a feeling I'd just end up living in hotels rather than the van most of the time.  Again, I wouldn't mind this on occasion, but I'd like to figure out something that would keep me in the van.  

A few other places I've considered parking have been a bit more out in the open.  For instance, I notice on my way in to work there's these gravel areas that you can pull into off the side of the road.  These look like pretty good places, since they don't appear to be owned by anyone, and I do occasionally see people parked there.  It seems to me, they're just places to pull off to the side of the road, and aren't used for anything.  Has anyone ever straight up camped on the side of the road?  I imagine I probably wouldn't be bothered, but you never know.  There's too many trigger happy cops out there these days looking to cause trouble.  I don't want to be tresspassing, but I've also considered staying around some abandoned facilities, such as old factories/warehouses.  I live in the midwest, and there's TONS of these around.  But I imagine if I stay there, I'd just be making a huge target for myself for both police and criminals to try and break in at the off chance that I'm seen.  So I'm not sure if this is really a good choice/option.  Anyone tried this?  

As for internet, mobile hotspots are really my only option.  I had planned on getting a wifi antenna, but whats the point in being able to detect a ton of connections and not actually be able to connect to any of them?  I was in a situation the other day where my car had broken down and I needed to send a message to work to tell them I was going to be late.  I was surrounded by about 20-30 available connections, and not a single one of them was actually unsecured.  Some I could connect to, but then required a login to actually use the internet.  It occurs to me, there's not really such a thing as free wifi anymore.  I could crack wifi passwords, and get a connection this way, but the time it takes to do this is variable, and just brings me right back to my first issue which is staying parked.  I highly doubt I'll be able to stay parked outside some place for 10 hours while I crack their wifi.  This just isn't reasonable.  Not to mention if work comes in that I need to do NOW, I cant do it 10 hours later.  So really, I'm screwed on that deal.  So my question comes down to, does a truly unlimited mobile hotspot even exist?  What have your experiences been with getting internet on the road? 

I know this is also kind of area-dependent.  I had planned on going down to Florida and van dwelling around the Miami area for a while.  Originally I wanted to stay around the keys, but after surveying the area on google earth, this doesn't look possible.  The islands seem pretty residential, which means I wouldn't be able to park there.  Since the islands are incredibly small, and heavily policed, this would make things really impossible.  I also found some videos by a youtuber named Howie Roll, who was actually staying on the islands, and it seems like its been really rough for him.  Harassment is not something I have time to deal with on a regular basis, and needs to be minimized as much as possible.  Stealth is of the utmost importance in my case, and it seems like it might become more of a burden than its worth. 

So this is pretty much the situation I'm in at the moment.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Actually, I just had dinner with Howie Rolls at Outback on Friday...really nice guy, we had a good time. He recently got a wifi extender and is very happy with it...he has a review posted on his channel. While he did have some initial problems with police, it was mainly a result of being unfamiliar with an area and local enforcement being unfamiliar with him, and he's found a parking routine that works now.

From reading your post, I kind of get the feeling that you're getting yourself a bit stuck by over-thinking every detail. I'm not saying that these aren't valid concerns...more that making a transition to mobile life will cause degrees of anxiety and fears in everyone, and its not hard to let them focus on these details.

You ask where you might stay at a park or campground and how much it might cost. You don't give a specific location, but I get the idea you're capable enough to do some searches and pin down some concrete options. Odds are they would be quite reasonable...certainly within your budget. A place like a KOA or something could be a good spot to get your mobile feet under you as you become more comfortable with the lifestyle, opening up other options that seem a bit scary right now.

Finding free wifi these days is pretty easy too. Any Starbucks, McDonalds or library has it. As do many, many other places. Not finding an unsecured hotspot in the exact spot you broke down has little bearing on being able to find one if you look for it ;)

Parking for extended periods during daylight hours is about as easy as it gets...nobody is really looking or caring about that in the middle of the day. Your comment about "trigger happy cops" says to me that you have very little experiece dealing with the police. Good for you! I, on the other hand, have far too much experience in that category (completely unrelated to vandwelling)...and can assure you that should an officer choose to speak with you about your choice in parking locations, its really not that big a deal.

Hope it all gets sorted out in a way that works well for you...having a well paying + mobile job sounds like a great launching point!
isn't the company you will be working for taking care of your internet? they should be supplying you with a smart phone or hot spot that they pay for. if you have Verizon it's just very remote areas that it doesn't work. you can stay on BLM and FS land for 14 days, move on the weekends when you are not working. highdesertranger
There are also BLM LTVAs, $180 for all winter. Pilot Knob has reception of all the major cell carriers. I'm less sure of the summer LTVAs near Bishop, CA.
Technomadia keeps their internet for RVers up to date with regard to gadgets and current data plans. Some of the information is shared freely. Some requires a membership. They also publish a book that is updated annually. Well worth the $$$.
Kroswind said:
So, I'm at the point where I can finally get a van and start my build.  As usual though, just when I thought all my bases were covered, a few more questions have arisen. 

I'm in a unique situation where I have come into a pretty high paying job, that can also afford me the opportunity to permanently work from home.  So obviously this means, I could pretty much work from anywhere.  The downside to this is, this job is almost constant.  I work long hours and long over time almost every day.  The work is unfortunately pretty fast paced and constant, and it needs to be done immediately.  This puts me in a tough spot.  Since this job demands my attention almost constantly, I've come to realize this means I'm going to need to stay parked somewhere for quite a while in some instances, as I wont have time to keep driving between locations.  I'll also need a relatively stable internet connection.  After reading this forum for over a year, it seems that these 2 issues are pretty much at odds with van dwelling.  Mobile internet seems hilariously unreliable, and most places will only let you stay parked for maybe a day max.  

So, has anyone else been in a situation like this by chance?  I've though about some of the places I could stay for a while, and while they would all work, I cant see them working for as long as I might need without getting a lot of harassment.  Public parking seems pretty limited in most places, and since stealth is a pretty important issue, the longer you stay somewhere, the more you will stand out.  I understand there's RV parks and such around that you can pay to stay at, and basically stay for however long you wish, but what are the costs involved with this and how many of these places are really around?  I'm not averse to paying to stay somewhere, as long as its cheap.  If my total costs end up being more or equal to staying somewhere permanent, whats the point?  There's the obvious places like Hotels, which would fix both issues, but this seems to defeat the purpose.  I have a feeling I'd just end up living in hotels rather than the van most of the time.  Again, I wouldn't mind this on occasion, but I'd like to figure out something that would keep me in the van.  

A few other places I've considered parking have been a bit more out in the open.  For instance, I notice on my way in to work there's these gravel areas that you can pull into off the side of the road.  These look like pretty good places, since they don't appear to be owned by anyone, and I do occasionally see people parked there.  It seems to me, they're just places to pull off to the side of the road, and aren't used for anything.  Has anyone ever straight up camped on the side of the road?  I imagine I probably wouldn't be bothered, but you never know.  There's too many trigger happy cops out there these days looking to cause trouble.  I don't want to be tresspassing, but I've also considered staying around some abandoned facilities, such as old factories/warehouses.  I live in the midwest, and there's TONS of these around.  But I imagine if I stay there, I'd just be making a huge target for myself for both police and criminals to try and break in at the off chance that I'm seen.  So I'm not sure if this is really a good choice/option.  Anyone tried this?  

As for internet, mobile hotspots are really my only option.  I had planned on getting a wifi antenna, but whats the point in being able to detect a ton of connections and not actually be able to connect to any of them?  I was in a situation the other day where my car had broken down and I needed to send a message to work to tell them I was going to be late.  I was surrounded by about 20-30 available connections, and not a single one of them was actually unsecured.  Some I could connect to, but then required a login to actually use the internet.  It occurs to me, there's not really such a thing as free wifi anymore.  I could crack wifi passwords, and get a connection this way, but the time it takes to do this is variable, and just brings me right back to my first issue which is staying parked.  I highly doubt I'll be able to stay parked outside some place for 10 hours while I crack their wifi.  This just isn't reasonable.  Not to mention if work comes in that I need to do NOW, I cant do it 10 hours later.  So really, I'm screwed on that deal.  So my question comes down to, does a truly unlimited mobile hotspot even exist?  What have your experiences been with getting internet on the road? 

I know this is also kind of area-dependent.  I had planned on going down to Florida and van dwelling around the Miami area for a while.  Originally I wanted to stay around the keys, but after surveying the area on google earth, this doesn't look possible.  The islands seem pretty residential, which means I wouldn't be able to park there.  Since the islands are incredibly small, and heavily policed, this would make things really impossible.  I also found some videos by a youtuber named Howie Roll, who was actually staying on the islands, and it seems like its been really rough for him.  Harassment is not something I have time to deal with on a regular basis, and needs to be minimized as much as possible.  Stealth is of the utmost importance in my case, and it seems like it might become more of a burden than its worth. 

So this is pretty much the situation I'm in at the moment.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
If your job is high paying, get your own hotspot. The hotspots you are talking about breaking into are being paid for by people and or businesses that want to maintain exclusive use of what they are paying for. Stop trying to steal someone else's resources and make money off what you stole. Get your own.
Thanks for the responses guys.  I am probably over thinking things since I've never actually gone out and done this.  I figure it would be worth asking since the current theme always seems to be "move on as fast as you possibly can" and I may not have that luxury, so its good to weigh my options before I jump into anything. 

As I said, I'm looking at hanging around miami, florida.  I've seen a lot of posts/videos from others who seem to be down there and doing fine, so I know it will probably work out.  Any information about that area would be greatly appreciated.  Its just a matter of finding places to stay long term.  So it looks like RV parks are probably my best shot.  I'll have to search around and see what kind of costs are involved and if the costs end up outweighing staying in an apartment/etc.  As I said, my whole purpose is to save money and live on the cheap, so if it ends up costing more, or about the same, there wont be much point.  I know my initial set up cost for my van will be pretty high, but hopefully the day to day, month to month costs will be low enough to offset the initial costs in the long term.
Kroswind said:
Thanks for the responses guys.  I am probably over thinking things since I've never actually gone out and done this.  I figure it would be worth asking since the current theme always seems to be "move on as fast as you possibly can" and I may not have that luxury, so its good to weigh my options before I jump into anything. 

As I said, I'm looking at hanging around miami, florida.  I've seen a lot of posts/videos from others who seem to be down there and doing fine, so I know it will probably work out.  Any information about that area would be greatly appreciated.  Its just a matter of finding places to stay long term.  So it looks like RV parks are probably my best shot.  I'll have to search around and see what kind of costs are involved and if the costs end up outweighing staying in an apartment/etc.  As I said, my whole purpose is to save money and live on the cheap, so if it ends up costing more, or about the same, there wont be much point.  I know my initial set up cost for my van will be pretty high, but hopefully the day to day, month to month costs will be low enough to offset the initial costs in the long term.

Are we reading the same forum?  The "move on" is for stealth living in unfriendly locals. You  want to find a regular spot.   Working on a van is not stealthy.  

Budget and prioritize your build  Mine is costing $150 a month.  I need to upgrade to a different platform, so the build money will be saved.
Kroswind said:
I know my initial set up cost for my van will be pretty high, but hopefully the day to day, month to month costs will be low enough to offset the initial costs in the long term.

Your set up costs DO NOT need to be high!  The camper van I'm living in cost under $1500 total, and I've been living comfortably in it for over 10 years.

I've been building similar camper vans for the homeless and we usually come in at a little under $1200 each, for everything, the van and the interior, including all the amenities, kitchen, toilet, shower, electrical, and everything.
GotSmart said:
Are we reading the same forum?  The "move on" is for stealth living in unfriendly locals. You  want to find a regular spot.   Working on a van is not stealthy.  

Budget and prioritize your build  Mine is costing $150 a month.  I need to upgrade to a different platform, so the build money will be saved.

Well, the general consensus on parking that I seem to see here is, never stay in the same spot twice, and constantly find some place new to park every day.  I understand this, but since I might not have the luxury of changing parking spots at least twice a day, I want to make sure my bases are covered.   I didn't mean necessarily moving from city-to-city constantly, but it seems to me that staying in a walmart parking lot for a few days straight is a really bad idea, and a really fast way of getting a knock from police or management telling you to get the hell out of there.

As for the build, I will complete the van build long before I actually hit the road.  Any tweaks or modifications I would need to do to the interior I would probably be able to do anywhere once the majority of its set up.  For mechanical issues, I'll just take it to a shop.  Sucks spending the extra money, but it beats trying to set up somewhere to do some major mechanical work.  Brakes, oil, etc I can do myself and are fairly quick jobs, anything beyond that I'm just gonna take it somewhere.
Kroswind said:
Well, the general consensus on parking that I seem to see here is, never stay in the same spot twice, and constantly find some place new to park every day.  I understand this, but since I might not have the luxury of changing parking spots at least twice a day, I want to make sure my bases are covered.   I didn't mean necessarily moving from city-to-city constantly, but it seems to me that staying in a walmart parking lot for a few days straight is a really bad idea, and a really fast way of getting a knock from police or management telling you to get the hell out of there.

As for the build, I will complete the van build long before I actually hit the road.  Any tweaks or modifications I would need to do to the interior I would probably be able to do anywhere once the majority of its set up.  For mechanical issues, I'll just take it to a shop.  Sucks spending the extra money, but it beats trying to set up somewhere to do some major mechanical work.  Brakes, oil, etc I can do myself and are fairly quick jobs, anything beyond that I'm just gonna take it somewhere.

Repairs can usually be done in the (autozone) parking lot. They might frown on it, but if you are buying parts from them, most will let you alone. Interior tweaks can be done at the big box home improvement lot.  

Keep it neat, and be polite to any possible security.  There should be no problem.    

I was able to stealth sleep in the Napa Valley (Billionaire acres) by using parking lots.
Hi congrats on your decision, I can tell u it is way harder to sit and prepare for the road than just be on it! I am leaving again in three weeks, too much time to think about what ifs, once u are going u figure it out, u have to! I think like u said parking is all dependent on location, new Mexico could have sat by the roadnforever.
Read other post first! I am in Michigan can stay at Walmart all summer, South Florida I had to keep moving except in water conservation areas. North Florida easy. National forest my choice is u had hot spot. Free and never bothered. Phone limits how much I can type, good luck !