Paranormal Phenomena

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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2012
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It took me a while to decide if I should post this. I never was a big believer in paranormal. Back in 2011 I decided to do some repairs on my mother's house. I tore out all the old drywall out of her bedroom, including the ceiling. That I had the ceiling torn out, I decided to look for any damages from a tornado that made a path, little less than a 1/2 mile away from this house in 1991. The storm laid a tree on top of her house, so this made it easy to look for any cracked rafters. I got my camera out and took picture of the attic structure. After taking a bunch of photos, I noticed on some photos there were orbs. Some calls this orbs and some calls this dust particles, you be the judge.
 She had a pet dog called Snoopy,  (1976-1986). Now there was a orb that looked like a face in it. I took the photo, enlarged it, darken it and cropped  it. You can look at the photos and be the judge. When my mother was alive, I would joke around with and tell her that Snoopy is still living in the attic.
 I noticed there is a lot of pet owner around here, so I figured I'd share this with you. Believers or non believers are welcome to reply.
Hi gojo! While I believe most strange phenomena can or could be explained rationally, I also "know" that some things can not be explained rationally for whatever reason. Growing up, I didn't believe in supernatural/paranormal/conspiracies/aliens/gods or whatever. Now I do. Can I explain it reasonably? Not on a forum lol, hardly any would believe it unless they have been somewhere similar in their life. Suffice it to say, life is better, way better. :cool:
Since the subject of Aliens was mentioned. 25 years ago I saw a space ship take off outside of Green River on Interstate 70 while heading East. To this day I sure that is what it was. I don't think anybody can convince me otherwise. I have seen nothing like that since. I cannot believe i even posted this! ! ! Hahaha!
Cry said:
Hi gojo! While I believe most strange phenomena can or could be explained rationally, I also "know" that some things can not be explained rationally for whatever reason. Growing up, I didn't believe in supernatural/paranormal/conspiracies/aliens/gods or whatever. Now I do. Can I explain it reasonably? Not on a forum lol, hardly any would believe it unless they have been somewhere similar in their life. Suffice it to say, life is better, way better. :cool:

The photos isn't all that sharp. I put them on prints back then, now I had to scan them. Never planned on posting them on the internet. Yes you are welcome to email me or wait and see what the outcome will be on this forum.
Sameer said:
...I cannot believe i even posted this! ! !...

Lol, I hear ya Sameer, I don't talk much about my experiences much unless someone else brings up the topic. I used to want/need people to believe me when I would try to explain some of the things I experienced, however that want/need has passed and if people believe me, cool beans, if they don't, no worries!

gojo said:
...Yes you are welcome to email me or wait and see what the outcome will be on this forum...

Not sure if our communication wires got crossed somewhere, but no need to email pics. I think the pics are pretty cool looking! I wasn't questioning their authenticity. If that is what came across from what I wrote, I apologize. I think it is pretty courageous to be able to start a thread like this and openly talk about your experience. I know from experience that it can open a person up to derision/mocking from others. Anyways, thanks for the thread and the pics, I think they are awesome!
Why does everybody worry what others think of them? Be yourself, be honest, hell on what the few low lives think of you. I always say the world is a joke, I think some might understand now. 
Your not grown up till you accept people for what they are.

I always say I'm an old spirit, because I don't let little things get to me.

Lets get back to the subject or I'm asking Bob to delete this thread.
I used to watch "The mysterious world of Arthur C Clark", and he would investigate super-natural stuff.  I don't think the pictures would convince him.  But thanks for sharing.
While I believe there are certainly things that we can't understand, I'm pretty certain those orbs are the result of dust or spots on your camera sensor. If you take a look at all of the spots, they are all on the same visual plane. None of them are obscured by something being in front of them which implies to me that they were one the lens or sensor. If they were actually in the room, at least one of them would have been partially obscured by one of the many beams.
It wasn't a photograph! I was driving to Denver, Colorado and working for a moving company and driving a large semi-truck. I looked to the right and saw a very bright light i looked to the right window and saw the ship take-off. It had white lights and was a roundish shape. The power came from underneath. it was like on eight mechanical legs. It was around 11pm. I slowed down and watched it move straight up and then make a sharp right turn very high in the sky and disappear. No one can convince me that it wasn't a space ship. The memory is very clear in my mind. Judging from the shape and movement. And you have to remember it was 25 years ago it could have been nothing else. I have never seen like it since!! I fully understand what it was!
I 25 just north of the rest stop above Socorro, NM. Not only did we watch the rather huge thing (with lights) but the people that were at the rest stop also had been watching it. Of course we didn't get photos. Odd thing is we saw more UFO's in Socorro, NM (it was a monthly occurrence) and in NC & TN. We have seen none since moving to Roswell, NM.

As for ghosts, lived in a haunted house (elderly lady, watched over the kids when they were little). We moved and the ghost moved with us thru several houses. I think the "my little pony" the kids had/have is now possessed by the ghost or a ghost. It would move around when we we gone from the house. Ended up putting it into a small canning jar and screwing the lid on real tight. That kept the toy from relocating all over the house. One of the kids still has the toy, still in the jar.

David saw little shadowy "balls" that would roll across the ceiling of the bus. It took a while for him to make sure he was actually seeing them (they were very fast and mostly active at night). I've seen them a few times, but not since David died. Maybe it was David that was haunted.

Can you see the "face" in the vent?
To the left of the Snoopy orb, I see a face.  Wide set eyes, lips two teeth, chubby chin, wide brim hat pulled low of just above eyes.

Strange how the brain tries to see faces.  I remember seeing my sister's face clear as day one time in the grain of some oak cabinets.  Once the psilocybin wore off, the next day, I just could not see it anymore.  

I can't see anything in the vent, have no real experiences of my own that would qualify.

I do think the possibility of an afterlife interesting.  Do watch 'Ghost adventures' on occasion, as a curious skeptic. 

One time  in '02, I was at the base of Shiprock Peak in New Mexico sleeping in my Van.  There was no wind, but my van got hit by something and started rocking as if something was bumping the side of it, and all the hairs on my forearms and back of neck stood up and tingled. 
Was pretty freaked out.  next morning, no footprints but my own, anywhere near.

It was not an earthquake.
Has anyone been on the USS Lexington in Corpus Christi. A couple spoke to a man in a sailor uniform in the engine room. They thought he was a tourist guide. They found out there wasn't any tourist guide on the ship at that time. I took a tour in 2004.
If you google it, you'll find stories on this subject....
Several years ago the was a period when there was much strange activity around my house.
It was a year or two after my wife passed, and lasted six months or so.
The first was the appearance of what I can best describe as a "crystal cat"- it would jump onto my bed in the night, walk around and lie down. if I reached for it, it would disappear. Only once did I awake and see it sitting on the bed- it looked like an extremely fragile arrangement of tiny clear crystals, forming an above average size cat. Beautiful! Never felt any fear, except for my sanity. It eventually stopped appearing.

There were other unexplained incidents, one in particular that was witnessed by at least two other people, and convinced me of a life beyond the physical reality we now know.

I'm not sharing those here.
Matt71 said:
While I believe there are certainly things that we can't understand, I'm pretty certain those orbs are the result of dust or spots on your camera sensor. If you take a look at all of the spots, they are all on the same visual plane. None of them are obscured by something being in front of them which implies to me that they were one the lens or sensor. If they were actually in the room, at least one of them would have been partially obscured by one of the many beams.
OK, I agree to a point, my fault, because I didn't go into detail. The photo with the dots isn't the original. It is one of the photos I did take. Here's what happened, on the original photo I darkened it, cropped it and then saved it, by doing this I lost the original. What drew my attention, there was one orb brighter and whiter than the others. I also could see two eyes in it. At the time  I wasn't planning on sharing this with anyone.

We all know attics draws dust. Why couldn't there be orbs mix with unfocused dust, now remember this one was brighter than the others. I guess you have to take word for what it's worth.
gojo said:
OK, I agree to a point, my fault, because I didn't go into detail. The photo with the dots isn't the original. It is one of the photos I did take. Here's what happened, on the original photo I darkened it, cropped it and then saved it, by doing this I lost the original. What drew my attention, there was one orb brighter and whiter than the others. I also could see two eyes in it. At the time  I wasn't planning on sharing this with anyone.

We all know attics draws dust. Why couldn't there be orbs mix with unfocused dust, now remember this one was brighter than the others. I guess you have to take word for what it's worth.

I have one more, if you look at the attic photo and enlarge it. Now look at the first post on the left. look at the top right of the post. You'll see a white dot. OK that orb looked like that but larger.
While not personally convinced of paranormal phenomena, I do concur with Hamlet, who stated, "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
Interesting thread. I experienced something in Nome, Alaska that caused me and my girl friend to move three thousand miles away :) I'll detail it tomorrow. Even though it was 23 years ago (WHAT?!?!! 23 YEARS?!), I remember every second.
Rugster said:
...I experienced something in Nome, Alaska that caused me and my girl friend to move three thousand miles away :) I'll detail it tomorrow...

Tease! Lol when you get a chance, don't forget to write this up!