Overcoming driving phobia?

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Dec 25, 2017
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I realize this might sound ridiculous to most people but I have a phobia of driving…especially on highways. Through cognitive therapy, I’ve overcome most of the obstacles I faced with anxiety disorder (including agoraphobia)—except driving long distances. I can drive around town, but still can’t get on a highway. So, what am I doing? Dreaming of getting on the open road like so many of you are doing. Have any of you overcome a driving phobia—or perhaps still have one but manage to travel freely? I’d love to hear your stories.
Hahaha, check out this thread by me.

When I first brought my van home I had to make my neighbor come with me because I was scared to drive it. I'm getting used to city traffic, but National Park roads, whoa are they narrow!

Basically, it just takes experience. Start out just driving around your neighborhood, then busy streets, then a divided highway, ect. Build your way up.
There are roads that are not highways...................
Lots of 'em.
Traveling the backroads is just so much nicer, so I try to avoid them. Highways are for destination to destination, while the backroads become part of a long adventure to where ever.
Little steps may be the answer. Success and review is a technique often used in Cognitive Therapy. If you can drive around town, then graduating to larger and multi lane roads is equivalent to graduated exposure. Mindfulness and review after a trip as small as once around the block is one way of working on yourself. Tolerating the anxiety long enough for the level of distress to lesson is the success to remember and build on when adding a behavioural component to the therapy.
None or very few of us got into a large vehicle and could whip it around corners without some training. I once was trained to drive Semi's

Same goes for highway driving. We all learn slowly, my Mother took me out once every Sunday, I learned to gas more on hills, coast on downhill and other little tips and tricks. A little at a time, 2 miles, then 5 then 12 then 25 then a 50+.....Patience.

I know you'll get the feel for it. While I don't like it myself, it's a quick way to get from point A to B as B has something interesting to see!

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