Old but not done yet

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Been Thinkin'
Supporting Member
Jan 20, 2022
Reaction score
Pinconning, Michigan
How to start. In case your wondering, I'm of the male persuasion. Pretty much stuck in that rut.
To start, I am alone now. Some would say single. (only wife died 2 years ago) Also lonesome, incomplete. Hummm
I have my eyes open to share myself with some one of the female persuasion willing to share her self and explore a different life style- travel.
I have skills. Not show off skills, just stuff. I like to fix things. I like to nudge some one and say look at that or show one of my worthless masterpieces that I've built or patched up. I like to ask, lets do this or that, whadya think of that idea? I'd like to hear an idea from a companion and respond with, Ok lets try it. Not skiing or scaling shear cliffs or sky diving though.
Being old (83) and still very healthy and mobile, Can drive at night, and not fearful of the dark. Don't need a cane and don't take pills.
My short comings are, I'm skinny, No movie star, and since originally was red headed, I don't tan well. I've got wrinkles everywhere and no amount of cream is going to fix that. I'm 5'10" 135 pounds shooting for 140 with the right woman to stuff food down my neck. Oh, I'm also bald headed.
Here's my thought about candidates.
A woman who is tired of being cooped up in a small apartment with little or no freedom. Willing to take off into a new adventure of slow and easy travel around the US. following pleasant weather.
A woman who can make sure my sox and shirt match or who doesn't care. Would be willing take a chance on the unknown with a strange old man who smells funny, Well not after a shower, I smell like Irish Spring for a while. Not much into foo water or suits and ties and all that fancy stuff.
I'm scared just like you should be so. Starting out slowly would seem like a good idea to me.
I am going to be on my way in April. The plan is to just move along. If It turns out that some fat, skinny, short, tall woman want's to give the idea a try, We'll talk about it from a distance. then look at one another, then maybe talk about it face to face.
Since I'm in no hurry to "hook up" actually scared to death to even try. Have not done anything of the sort in over 60 years, and I figure most women would feel the same. Lots of risk both ways.
Dating sites where some one else or a "program" decides who goes with who is too much of a gamble.
I don't gamble. Neither should you.
Of course I'm a man so I think I'll have to take the first step and call you back and be willing to take rejection. It's a man thing. Goes with the territory.
Some of you ladies will be tied to a animal. Maybe the animal is tied to you, that will not work with me.
I will be the pet. I've got hair just no bell.
Email address: wb8vyn38@gmail.com
hello all, I haven't been here for some time, I fell, broke my back 2 places # 7,#12..horrible pain, wearing a Body brace for the rest of my life, so Dr said. the vans are just sitting in the yard. at my age bones just don't heal. but i'm alive Wishing all a great Day.
Ken, a lot of women look for a man who can still see to drive after dark. (a prize :love:) With him they can go out at night to a club or fraternal lodge where they can dance, enjoy a diner & libation, and socialize before returning home. Something I've learned about in the past years. Of course nomad-ladies may have other priorities just the same.

But watch out for the young girls who say they love old dudes. They may be carrying a key chain like this one: "Wanted Wealthy Dying Man For Meaningful Relationship". (couldn't get a good photo of it)

hello all, I haven't been here for some time, I fell, broke my back 2 places # 7,#12..horrible pain, wearing a Body brace for the rest of my life, so Dr said. the vans are just sitting in the yard. at my age bones just don't heal. but i'm alive Wishing all a great Day.
Damn, best wishes for mending and enjoying the rest of your life!
This is Ken (just thinkin) The other day I had to stop to get my general delivery mail and of course I'm still in the cold/snowy place, so had to park my rig some distance from the post office.
On the way back, after recieving my junk mail and a small package, I trudged along with my newly minted 86 year old body when I came across a patch of snow covered ice, where upon my feet went one way and I went the other. As you can imagine, some colorfull language found it's way into polite society. Sorry about that, It wont happen again. I landed on my shoulder and bounced. I didn't think guys my age bounced. (they do, sometimes).
No harm done, other than a brused ego and pride. You should have seen my spinning legs and feet as I tried to regain my footing. took a minute. I hid out in my truck while looking around to see if anyone might has seen the comedy as it unfolded. No one had. Thank goodness.
So, jusr because you might have come away with some damage, don't give up. Super glue and wd-40 should get you going, just wear your water wings next time.
That's the first thing I do! Look to see if anyone saw me. The fall is not near as funny as watching me get to my feet!
Gotta tell ya. I was a little sore for a day but we old guys may slow down a bit but we don't stop for long.
Memory and hearing is fadding, thats the worst part but I still have grand ideas. I think that if I stop dreaming of things for the future. I'll become one of those grouchy old men. Nope, not yet!
Still got wild women to chase and places to explore. thanks for your thoughts.
hello all, I haven't been here for some time, I fell, broke my back 2 places # 7,#12..horrible pain, wearing a Body brace for the rest of my life, so Dr said. the vans are just sitting in the yard. at my age bones just don't heal. but i'm alive Wishing all a great Day.
Your life can change in a split second. One day I was in top shape, could bench 400#, leg press 650#. ride a bike 100 miles any day. The next day I was moving 3' oak & maple log rds to the splitter slipped and blew out 4 discs. But the real damage came in physical therapy when the technician has put 200# on traction. She said it was the most she'd used but I was strong. That was Thurs.That night I hurt more than I ever had. Did it again Friday & hurt all weekend. Called her Monday & said I wasn't coming back as the pain was too bad. She said it wouldn't cause pain unless I had an internal heriation. I told her I didn't know & to check my chart. She did & said she'd done the worst thing she could to me as it was only 2nd internal herniation she's seen in her 15 year career. I also read she shouldn't have used over 25#. She put it all in my charts. I've never been one to sue & didn't but had a 5.5 hour surgery & 2.5 hours in recovery, almost bled out & got 2 more pints when I got to ICU. $138,000 bill. Took almost a year to learn to walk with a 4 leg cane. The medical industry is like any other I believe. You get 1 really good one out of 10 & the rest are mediocre to very poor. The important thing is to enjoy your memories but enjoy what you can still do & be happy & thankful for what you have & can do. Good Luck Keebler 🤩🥳

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