OK, nothing bad can happen to me, right?

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Active member
Aug 23, 2014
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That's because bad things come in threes and yesterday it all happened in a span of just just 3 hours. (1) I got chewed out royally by a woman (campground host, manager, I dunno) for entering the campground through the exit. Soooo, on my way to Walmart to park for the night, (2) I get pulled over by mister blue-and-red-flashy-lights (and let go, thank goodness), aaaand finally (3) my new-to-me van broke down after just 2 days of blissful ownership, and had to be towed and repaired to the tune of $2,200.00

So, nothing bad can happen to me now, right? Isn't that the way it works? Somebody please say YES!

I was homesick when I was abroad living in Korea the past 2 years, now I don't know why, LOL. Welcome home Dandelion ;-P
yobo sayo!

You should be good to go for a while...
I've always thought that kind of luck ran in 3's, so hoping it's over for you. Chin up. :)
Wow. But somehow I think you'll be just fine... neat avatar, cool name, great attitude. That's a winning threesome right there.
Now I have Oingo Boingo going through my head.

Nothing bad ever happens to me
Nothing bad ever happens to me
Nothing bad ever happens to me
Nothing bad ever happens to me
Nothing bad ever happens to me...
Many years ago, I was invited to go on an offroad jeep ride in the mountains with a new friend. It was early summer and there were still snow banks back in the forest. At one point, a large bank of snow loomed ahead of us and there was no way around. My friend stopped the jeep, thought about it and said, "Hang on! We're going through it!" I replied, "We'll get stuck!" As he shifted into 4WD, he said, "I've lived up here all my life and I've never been stuck." He gunned it, we hit that snow bank, and stopped dead. As we got out and started digging, I told him, "Well, now you can't say you've never been stuck." His response, "We're not stuck; we're just detained. Shucks, I've been detained lots of times."

It's all about your perception. Now you know which campground you don't want to use, you didn't get a ticket, and your van has a new *whatever was repaired* so one less thing to worry about.

Sounds like three good things happened!
Hi Dandelion,

You're back from Korea? Welcome home! What part of the U.S. are you? Sorry to hear your troubles. You'll be fine, stay strong!

Thanks everyone for your very supportive comments, I'm not feeling so alone anymore. That's the most wonderful thing about this online community. Thank you Bob!

@66788 gamsahabnida!

@gsfish, hello! Yes, my karma should be awesome indeed :) My van's main belt that runs everything broke and took some other parts with it. The mechanic working on it now keeps finding these life-threatening potential problems that the pre-purchase mechanic didn't find, including brake issues. I trust this garage and so I believe all these repairs are completely necessary. In the meantime the bill keeps growing :/

@MrNoodly: Wow, I haven't heard that song since the eighties :D

@Stargazer: you are absolutely right, I should be counting my blessings :) thank you for your inspirational words. I like the fact that your friend doesn't "what if" himself out of trying and doing things. What a terrific spirit!!!

@caseyc, thanks for welcoming me home! I'll be roaming around in Florida for awhile before making my way west for the winter. It's nice to be back, everything is in English and I can talk to anyone I meet, such freedom! Spending so much time in a foreign country sure can wear on a girl ^^ Of course you will have a blast teaching in Thailand or wherever you land. I wouldn't trade the experience for anything :)
here....maybe I kin help.....

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/aQy5vKAaTuA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
This reminded me of what happened back in '05. It was a '3s' that took place in the span of 2 days.

I had a job in a hospital that was an hour and half away that required overnight call, and sometimes they didn't have a place for me to sleep. So I took my 31' class A and stayed in the church parking lot across the street from the hospital, they let me use their electricity for free. On Monday I would drive down, work all day, take call that night, work half day on Tuesday and go home, repeat on Thursday/Friday.

On this particular morning I was cruising along at 70mph, one hand on the wheel, left leg propped up and was enjoying the ride.. until... front left tire blew out. Not flat, not any warning, just exploded. I managed to get it stopped in the ditch across the other side of the road and still counting my lucky stars no one was coming down the other side or I would have had a head on collision. And the reason I am kind of scared of class A's. I limped the vehicle about 10 feet to a side dirt road. That was a lucky bad luck thing #1.

So I called my (late) hubby to help with changing the tire. Proceeded to cook breakfast on side of the road. He showed up about an hour later, broken casted foot and all, and we set about changing the tire. You know, it was funny, the ONLY person to stop and ask if we needed help was a farmer who had a casted broken arm, lol. Anyways, so tire changed, but needed air, my boss sent her hubby with an air compressor. We were then were ready to go, or so we thought... not a half mile down the road I was a dead, dead stick. Yep, unlucky bad thing #2, transmission completely wiped out. Same broken arm farmer happened by again and said we could park the rig on his land until we could fix it. As (bad) luck would have it, the transmission was a type that was very hard to find, 'needle in a haystack' as my mechanic-y bro-in-law put it when they looked at it the next day to figure out what was going on.

So, front tire blow out that coulda did me in, then an impossible to fix transmission for a rig sitting in a farmers yard... I went to get online to chat with a friend in Illinois, and wouldn't you just know it.. #3, my computer took a dump. I had had it at that point, had myself a fit right there. It's kinda funny to admit it, but I beat the crap out of that computer. Took out all of my frustration on it, broke the tower into pieces, broke the keyboard shelf, put a dent in the wall, and bruised myself up good, then had a big huge cryfest on the floor for about 30 minutes. Wouldn't you know it, that damn computer was mocking me, there it sat in pieces and it decided to start right up and work again. Good times, good times.

That was my 3's. As luck would have it, a transmission was located a few hours from me. My hobbling hubby and bro-in-law changed out the transmission in front of that nice farmers yard. My computer didn't act up again on me for fear of it's death. I quit that miserable job a few months after that and decided to aggressively get out of debt and sold the class A. (got rid of $56k debt in 18 months, 12 months of it on late hubby's single salary.. had a blast doing it, too) Became debt free in March '07. Fun times!!
ouch, sounds like you rolled with the punches. Reminder of just how vulnerable we are. Did the farmer have a daughter?
@gsfish, español es más fácil que coreano :)

@Patrick46 that video is soooooo totally eighties, totally. Thanks for posting it!

@Theadyn: Wow, wow, wow! What a completely horrible set of threes that happened to you, yet you still managed to point out the blessings interspersed, no oncoming traffic, a friendly farmer and a new tranny impossibly found. Like you I wept like crazy at my series of misfortunes, amidst jet lag and navigating the usual stresses of relocating from one country to the other, through a foggy brain. The lady who gave me such a tongue lashing at the campground was completely irrational and for a moment I thought she might do me harm or ram my vehicle, I was truly scared. But I remained outwardly calm, so as not to fuel her rage any further and I was able to get out of there without incident. Also, in hindsight I see I was lucky that my car trouble didn't happen while tooling down the interstate as I had lost power steering and brakes when that belt failed. And like Stargazer pointed out, I didn't get a ticket after being pulled over. AND there is always going to be someone out there who has experienced worse horrors than you or me. Thank you Theadyn for sharing your story with me. I so appreciate your support in this! Your experience seemed to have empowered you to make changes in your life for the better. AND congratulations on living a debt free life, that is true freedom!