Officially One Week In On Van Conversion

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New member
Sep 7, 2020
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Hello! New to this site; just bought a great 2000 Dodge high top van with my partner! We've ripped out all the seats and rubber flooring and are down to bare metal. Just wanted to introduce myself and wish all the newbies like myself the best of luck  :heart:
Welcome to the CRVL forums hmmurphy92! Keep us updated on your build! If you have the time head over to the Conversions and Modifications section and start a new thread.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome to the forum. What area are you in. I’m sure you’re getting all the information about the variety of builds and opinions on what to do and what did not do online. Sometimes I think there’s too much information and it can be confusing. A lot of it boils down to someone’s opinion versus someone else’s opinion. It’s been said that in the multitude of counselors there is wisdom I add to that but you still got to make your own decision and live with it. I found that keeping a multi section notebook to copy down ideas that pop into my head and inspirations I get from the Internet under the various headings of what I want was a way to organize all these ideas and come whip up with what I could live with. Take the time to test out the ideas that you can. You’ll find your changing your build ideas several times and I don’t know of anyone who is totally done with theirs. Welcome to the wonderful world of The nomads.
Welcome to the CRVL Forum  :)

Getting things down to the bare bones has to be the first step if you didn't buy a cargo/delivery type of Van that
is bare to start with from day one.   But even then you usually have a bunch of clean up before you can start.

I'm sure you'll enjoy your project together and with the coming of the fall season the temps will be more agreeable
to build and later to travel in. 

I have a couple of links below that may be of interest to you now.  The first is for converting a Van, Trailer, or Car (or a extra high mileage "Bug Out Car" which is kind of a one person RV)

The second is for planning where you would go once on the road, useful places to know about while you are out there, weather & climate safety, and a links portal.   It can be useful to plan while you ready your Rig and to use once you are out there on the road.

All the best with your build. :thumbsup:

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