Not thrilled with my mpg of my Express

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akrvbob said:
So far I have been disappointed with my 2015 Express with 4.8 also. I rarely ever got over 16 MPG. I've been hoping it was because it was not broken in and that may be true.

I just drove from Crossville Tennessee to Leadville CO and every tank was over 19 MPG (best was 19.8), the worst was 18.8. Not bad considering I'm over 8000 pounds!

Now that is why I bought an Express!!!

I've made two changes that may have caused it:

1) More miles so it may be getting broken-in. I bought it with 12,000 miles in February, and I'll turn 30,000 soon.
2) I put on a high-top. I think that may have increased my MPG. I had a ladder rack with panels hanging out all over the place and now they are very sleek and smooth.

At any rate, I'm delighted with that!!
Congratulations on the new van and the excellent MPG :).