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Apr 10, 2019
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I am so looking forward to getting on the road and am preparing for this now. I have to wait until my son graduates college in 3 years. 

I am so excited about this topic and way of life!!
Welcome Bluegrass filly to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
Welcome. Nice that you have some time to learn things and do it right. Take full advantage by being honest and open when describing your interests and what you need, and by not limiting yourself to the first or second page of any of the forums -- tons of the best stuff is buried behind, and the search engine can be great too. Like for other kinds of transformers, there's more than meets the eye.
I am so anxious to get started & it’s almost painful that I have to wait another 3 to 4 years. All I do is watch van dwelling videos and fantasize about building out a van. [emoji853]

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Many of the ideas I have I have had since I was very young. Before Al Gore invented the internet. :p

You have an advantage to learn thru trial and error as well as the trial and error of others. Make use of your time. It will be to your benefit in the end.
This is true! Learning a lot about heat, water, Internet and solar power. Already have my floor plan done. Researching and learning what van is the best for me.

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My son is just going off to college and my spouse wants a divorce. I'm thinking about hitting the road while he is in college.

Sorry if this is too personal. If so no need to answer. ....

Why do you have to wait until after he's out of college? Is it financial reasons?

If you wait he will want to come home to live and you will have to wait until he gets a job, apt, etc. That could be years don't you think? I figure if I'm already out there he can come on the road with me for a while (but knowing my kid he will have a job waiting).

Just curious of your thoughts on that.
My son is starting his junior year in August at UK and I own a home in Lexington KY so he is still living with me instead of a dorm. I have to wait until he gets out on his own with a full time job.

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I agree with Daydreamer, why do you have to wait? But since you feel that you must, take this time to not only learn but to buy/obtain the special things you will need i.e fridge, potty, heater, water filter, and such. but mostly you need to PURGE. This will be the hardest thing to do. suggestion give all the sentimental things you have BACK to the person that make/gave it for/to you, also helpful if you have family and/or friends to give things to, like stuff you do not want to sell but also do not want to give to charity. and with owning your home i am sure that you have way more stuff then you even know you have. LOL just think about the garage, attic, and all those closets. but seriously start today and you may be finished when baby bird finishes college. I am sending you blessings and good vibes to help you with the task in front of you. :) :thumbsup:
Bluegrass filly said:
My son is starting his junior year in August at UK and I own a home in Lexington KY so he is still living with me instead of a dorm. I have to wait until he gets out on his own with a full time job.

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If the house is paid for, have him pay the amount for taxes as his rent, so you don't loose the house. Get on the road and try it out; you still will have your house as a safety net.
He’s going to college full time. Doesn’t seem like he can pay taxes or food or anything until that’s over.

You might take small trips making sure the cubbard is stoked and he has a bit of jingle in his pockets while you are gone.

Good mom!
I'm like you - checking things out. I've watched a lot of rv-ing and car camping YouTubes but you have to watch some of the pessimistic ones too. There are problems with this lifestyle, some not so obvious. Some of the RV vids are virtual infomercials.