not so much a food

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Almost There said:
 I  hope you mean a small amount in a cup of liquid, not a cup of DE Yeah, that's why I posted the how-to link. ;)

Interesting.. :rolleyes: info in that link...they write that trace minerals means UP to 1% and then go on to claim that the full 1% is there. The site fails to list what the 14 different trace minerals are!

Something tells me that there's better ways to get the 14 different trace minerals into your diet if indeed you need them and that the small traces you're getting with DE aren't sufficient to make any significant changes in ones health anyways.

That's why I didn't use this link for information about silica and used the first link: This was just one that had handy information on how to consume it.

And yes, I'm always a little leery of claims that one product can cure a whole host of ills. Call me skeptical. Always pays to do research on reputable sites when considering anything. Sometimes something simple can have a big effect. While there is less research on supplements, silica has been researched enough to have a pubmed page
That settles it another miracle cure in a fancy bottle with a catchy label. Not sure what you are trying to accomplish by eating insect repellent or pool filtering flakes but if your goal is good health, you might want to try good healthy food, like fruit, vegetables, nuts and grains for all your daily needs of vitamins, minerals and protein, eliminate meat, dairy and sugar, minimize salt , combine that with a little exercise and live a long, healthy, active life free from medications, This is not new stuff, rocket science, sci-fi or a fangdangled snake oil treatment, this is stuff we know works, the evidence is in, but hey, don't let me stop you from drinking another cup of that stuff if it works for you.
flying kurbmaster said:
That settles it another miracle cure in a fancy bottle with a catchy label. Not sure what you are trying to accomplish by eating insect repellent or pool filtering flakes but if your goal is good health, you might want to try good healthy food,  like fruit, vegetables, nuts and grains for all your daily needs of vitamins, minerals and protein, eliminate meat, dairy and sugar, minimize salt , combine that with a little exercise and live a long, healthy, active life free from medications, This is not new stuff, rocket science, sci-fi or a fangdangled snake oil treatment, this is stuff we know works, the evidence is in, but hey, don't let me stop you from drinking another cup of that stuff if it works for you.

Well a couple of points to clarify pool filtering and insect repellent are made from the non food grade thats why they put food grade on the packet not a  bottleI 
I am 64  last year ran  Seattle Marathon  in 3.41.13 .

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Luddite[/font]
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] A name given to those who thought new machines would wreck their lives because they would not accept change ,every year discoveries are made in all walks of life just because something is different to what you may know about does not automatically mean that it does or does not work .[/font]
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]as you know what the thread is about its probably best if you dont follow it .[/font]
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]If this product helps any one in any way they have the choice to use or not use it so as mentioned i will not let you decide whether i continue .[/font]
better you then me, I will follow as I am curious how it works out for you :) by the way the Luddites may have been right all along, the jury is still out, whether the new machine, may still be the worst thing for us. Sometimes it takes awhile for the Luddites prediction to come true. Keep drinking that stuff, sounds delicious, insecticide and filtering agents put through another chemical process to be made into food grade.  Yum!!  :)  
As a professional pet groomer, I've recommended it to clients for flea and tick infestations. Food grade is the only kind I use. There's a difference between what is used for pool filters and food grade. I get it at feed stores, labeled for feeding to livestock for worms. I give it to my own dogs for worms. My son and I have also taken it, since we have greater exposure due to grooming. There are a number of web sites that detail the processing of the food grade and how and why to use it.
LucyImHome said:
As a professional pet groomer, I've recommended it to clients for flea and tick infestations. Food grade is the only kind I use. There's a difference between what is used for pool filters and food grade. I get it at feed stores, labeled for feeding to livestock for worms. I give it to my own dogs for worms. My son and I have also taken it, since we have greater exposure due to grooming. There are a number of web sites that detail the processing of the food grade and how and why to use it.

Food Grade DE! I've used it for years. I mixed a spoonful into dog food several times a week to reduce worms. I didn't use it on her as a flea repellant because her hair was so long, but on a short hair dog I certainly would. (Rather that than poisons on her) When she got hers, I added some to my food, too. I also use it around the base of my house, along with boric acid, to kill termites. The mix also goes under fridge, stove, cupboards to kill roaches, etc.
I got my bag from the feed store, too. The pet shops may sell it for $7-10 a pound, when I got my 50 pound bag several years ago, I think it was about $22.
Be sure to use food grade. DE for pools is sold in grocery stores here, it is poisonous.
I have been using it for many years as roach killer. I powdered my apartment in 1985, and all the neighbors would come over to see if it worked. I gave way 45 1 lb bags. We had a bug free neighborhood within a month. It was worth it to me...

I have had contact with food grade, and have used it to destroy a infestation of bedbugs. Deworm animals, and always powder where my grandchildren could possibly contact it, rather than the boric acid I use inside the walls.

Take it internal? I have not found the need.