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Well-known member
Apr 1, 2012
Reaction score
Eastern Oregon
I left on the bike today to meet up with the other Screaming Geezers for our annual ride.  As I stopped at a visitor center/ park In Mountain Home, Idaho to eat my lunch I pulled into a parking spot next to a "lady" obviously living out of her car.   I thought I'd be cordial and asked if she was full timing. I was promptly informed of what I could do to myself.

She obviously wasn't one of "our ladies".
I've noticed that some ladies living out of cars are not very friendly. I'm supposing they are not living that way by choice so I just smile and say hello and leave it at that.
Too bad she couldn't have been friendly enough so you could have had enough of a conversation to share this website with her. She probably has no idea that an entire world exists of happy friendly people living exactly like she does by choice. She also may have had lot's of negative experiences being judged by others not so enthusiastic about people living in their vehicles and thus she's just formed a wall to keep people away.

My heart goes out to her, hope she's able to find peace in her situation.
If she's living in her vehicle out of necessity, there's a possibility it's because she has mental health problems.
A solo woman could be "on the run" from an abusive partner. Nominally sane, but stressed to the max.

Any attempt to approach could result in fight or flight.

Sometimes being snarky/angry/short is a defensive posture that has nothing to with the intruder.

Now I will not approach anyone else traveling alone. It is their business, and none of mine.
Another point, a person on the internet may be more communicative and open than they would be face to face in real life.

It could have been one of "our" "ladies".
It was quite obvious that she was not happy with her situation.  As I observed her from where I was eating my snack it seemed to me it was a mental issue and maybe off her meds. 

I would have liked to pointed her to this site and Sueanne's blog but it was quite obvious that I was not to have a conversation with her.
Howiet said:
I would have liked to pointed her to this site and Sueanne's blog but it was quite obvious that I was not to have a conversation with her.

lol I don't know why, but this made me think of the bible tracts and other nonsense that gets tucked under windshield wipers and handed out in crowds.
Maybe we should have some "CRVL" pamphlets to share with folks like these (from a safe distance, if necessary) to let them know about this wonderful community and its resources.
"Excuse me, ma'am, have you heard the good news about mobile living?"
hahaha mayble that made my laugh. I guess it was the mental picture that came to mind. CRVL people in togas passing out papers. highdesertranger
And tambourines?  We need tambourines!
Hanging out at parks, beaches, and Wal-mart parking lots - sharing the word of Bob ;)
I'm one of those talk to any body people. I strike up conversations with strangers all the time. The hardest part about it was accepting that not everyone wants to talk to me for whatever reason. Some people don't want their space invaded, to be bothered or feel threatened, some don't even want help when they desperately need it. They don't have to be nuts, they just want to be left alone.
One of my friends is preparing to be a van dweller, at least for a while. Her longtime relationship ended, her apartment lease is up at the end of Sept., and she was trying to figure out how to continue to pay the rent. A mutual acquaintance is homeless, and she decided to try that for awhile. I gave her the url for here, and she's been reading when taking breaks from eliminating stuff, taking classes, and "living". She has her van and is preparing it for a slow cross country trip.


Brings a whole new dimension to next year's RTR!
This is so funny:) I had to think about if it was me, than thought "nope not in a car" old habits die hard,all the reasons posted, I learned to adopt a hostile defensive stance, changing slowly as I am more confident ican take care of myself. I'll hand out flyers!
Howie, thanks for caring enough to try.

Our community is the best!
If you're every thinking of trying to have a conversation with a lady thats obviously living out of her car , make sure your wearing a nut cup  LOL , you got lucky when all she did is tell you what to go do to yourself.
I've talked to many people that I spot and think are living in their vehicle.
(vandweller radar)
It usually starts like this......
"I live in my vehicle too ! How do you like the lifestyle ? "
or " I like your van , wish I had one that nice. That wreck over there is mine!"
or "I've been living on wheels for 35 years and can't imagine doing anything else."
maybe add
"I have a stove and oven if you'd like to cook something."

Haven't got a "get lost" response yet .
I've talked to many people that I spot and think are living in their vehicle.
(vandweller radar)
It usually starts like this......
"I live in my vehicle too ! How do you like the lifestyle ? "
or " I like your van , wish I had one that nice. That wreck over there is mine!"
or "I've been living on wheels for 35 years and can't imagine doing anything else."
maybe add
"I have a stove and oven if you'd like to cook something."

Haven't got a "get lost" response yet .